I spent close to $1800 today... should I feel bad about this?

Well, ok, $1400 of it was planned. I got my tax refund yesterday, so today I hied myself to the Back Care Store and ordered my Tempur-Pedic matress. I decided to go ahead and get the foundation and frame while I was at it. Been wanting a Tempur-Pedic for a couple of years, actually, just could never afford it, and I didn’t want to go into debt for it, so when I got a $1209 tax refund, well… I’ve had chronic back problems since I was 23, and I’ve never, ever had a really good mattress, and I figure this should go a long way toward helping with my back pain. Right now I’m sleeping on an el cheapo matress and cheap frame, no box springs. Not good for the ol’ spine.

While I was at the Back Care Store, I picked up four pairs of compression stockings- two pairs trouser socks, two pairs panty hose. That set me back another $80. And $25 for this piezoelectric acupuncture-poiont stimulator thingy, (which actually seems to work, btw), and of course another $25 at Borders for books on acupressure so I know where to point it…

Oh, and the shoes. I mentioned to the lady at the Back Care store that I’ve been having hideous pain in my feet and legs, especially in my Achilles tendons. That was why the compression stockings… so she told me where to go to get the shoes. I thought I had pretty good ones, but apparently not good enough. Well, the Hush Puppies are over a year old, and take a lot of punishment… So, I went to Perfect Fit Shoes and bought a couple of pairs of SAS shoes My mom insisted. She told me that if I don’t take care of myself now, I’ll be a cripple by the time I get to be her age. She’s probably right. I’ve been in a helluva lotta pain the last couple of months, between my back and my legs.
Anyhoo, the shoes were $91 a pair, so for two pairs, let’s just call it $200

I almost feel guilty about spending the money, even though it was stuff for my health, or, for the acupressure thingy, basic pain relief. I really only ran $600 on my MasterCard, which should be fairly easy to pay off. But I already had close to $400 in credit card debt before this started, not an outrageous amount, I really don’t use the cards that much now that I have a good job, but I ran up a chunk while I was out of work, and a few months back took a cash advance (3.99% until September) because both my checking and savings accounts had been worn thin by a couple of months of unemployment with no income, accompanied by some unexpected medical expenses (not related to my back). With the low interest rate, the debt should be fairly easy to pay down (I’ve gotten rid of nearly $3000 worth of debt already), and I figure when the introductory rate is about to expire, I’ll get another 0% intro card, transfer the balance and cancel the other two cards- keep doing this until I’ve paid off the balance, then just keep the card with the lowest APR.

But I still kind of shudder to think that I went out and spent close to $1800…


Nah… don’t feel guilty! It’s only money, and would you rather have $1800 and feel like crap or be broke and feel great?

Money spent on health is money well spent, if you ask me (and you did!).


What you might try is to have your SO give you lots of deep muscle leg and back massages and to get off your feet. The strain is probably killing your joints.


What SO?

And as for getting off my feet- I’m a craps dealer. It’s a standy-up kind of a job.

Don’t feel bad at all Thea Logica. I wrote a check for over $12,000 yesterday. It was to a contractor so he’ll redo our 2nd bathroom, but it freaked me out writing out a check that large. We had refinanced and took out some equity money to pay for it.

However, I have to admit, I felt pretty cool writing out the check.

Perfectly legitimate expense, Thea. It’s not like you spent it on Beanie Babies or something! It is unsettling to drop a load of money at once, though. I paid cash for my last car and it nearly gave me a heart attack to write a check that huge.

A tax refund is more like a savings account (minus interest). Enjoy! :slight_smile:

I got about 85 bucks. I plan on buying a couple of tops, some shorts/jeans, a skirt or two and then bras and panties.

Guinastasia, you go girl!

Spend that money!

I have a cancelled check for $14,000 proudly sitting in my desk. (For the life of me, I can’t even remember what it was for.) Figure it’s the only time in my life I’d ever write a check that big, so I may as well make a souvenir of it.

Holy Mole Chicken!

I get my knickers in a twist if I can’t remember what I spent $14.00, let alone $14K!!

I wore the expensive shoes today, along with the compression hose. Worked pretty good, as far as I can tell. Feet didn’t start grumbling until the last hour of the shift.

Hopefully, I’ll be getting a call tomorrow to schedule delivery of the bed.

I just have to ask what compression stockings are.

I bought some socks and shirts today, and a couple CDs and the DVD of Run Lola Run. And bid on a new bicycle on eBay. But that’s a work related expense, so of course I can afford it.

Oh, I remember now…the $14k was a savings bond my parents gave me when I graduated college. I had to deposit the check into an investment fund, most of which I ended up spending on my law school rent ANYWAY (and I still have a year to go, oy).

$1800? Why, that’s just petty cash! :smiley:

After too many months of: peanut-butter sandwiches and overdrafts and buying food with pocket change because you have no folding money left and it’s still three days to payday and you thank the gods that you bought your bus pass last week because it’s the only way you’re getting around… I got my tax refund.

And promptly went out and picked up my repaired headphones, bought a DVD/SVCD/VCD/CD player and a DVD to play on it, hit Anime North, bought a pile of sundries, and a book on Python (the programming language, not Monty).

It was more than 750 dollars total. Not as large in absolute terms as some, but after months of difficulty, it was one heck of a welcome change. My shoulders have relaxed, and I don’t feel guilty at all! :slight_smile:

And, Thea Logica*, getting a better bed is a very good idea. I will have to take that under advisement.

[sup]*“Logical Goddess”?[/sup]

Thea, don’t you dare feel guilty about that. If you can’t legitimately spend money on comfort, what can you spend it on?

In fact, just to de-guilt yourself, try to find a Mrs. Beasly doll on eBay and splurge on it. :smiley:

Good lord! You can buy all that for just 85 bux?