I still like Undeclared

What a great show. The ratings are lukewarm. I hope Fox allows this one to grow. The cast is incredible. Not a weak link among the 6 main characters. As long as they keep the Dad to a minimum this show has very few flaws.

I caught it today. First episode I’ve seen since the first one. It was pretty funny.

I’ll watch it again, but mainly to catch that Monica Keena. Damn, she’s cute.

Timm Sharp is a Fargo, ND native. Whoo-hoo! Go Fargo! Yeah!

I saw one episode, I thought it was alright. I watch very little TV (and mostly CNN when I do watch) though so my basis of comparison is somewhat limited.

Well, it’s on Fox, so they have some slack ratings-wise. Recall that this is the network that keeps The 70’s Show on.

I though the sick guy part of last night’s episode was hilarious. But maybe I just like laughing at sick people. :slight_smile:

I can’t keep from laughing when I think about that guy using a bird as a fashion statement. The cane, the strut, the odd grin, and a cockatoo on his shoulder. It killed me.

Fox has the best sit-coms around. That 70’s Show and Grounded for Life are both classics in the making.

I don’t know if I can agree with Tommy the cat’s statement about grounded for life but that 70’s show is destined to be a classic.

I love Undeclared. I was hysterically laughing at last nights episode. Everyone of those actors are brilliant. The nerdy roomate cracks me up.

70’s show has pretty decent ratings. Mid 50’s overall and in the 30’s among the valuable 18-34 Demographic. Undeclared is a little lower, but still OK. I think Fox will give it a little room because of the quality.

Just have to add that That 70’s Show had a great line last night.

The setup is Donna is being a jerk to Eric (fallout over the breakup). Eric looks at her and said: “What did you have for breakfast this morning, Carnation Instant Bitch?”

Classic. Hardest I’ve laughed at a TV show in a long time. Wish I’d thought of the line myself.

Hehe… It’s a good show, last night when the roommate guy said “No, I don’t sit around thinking ‘I wonder if <girl’s name> is smarter than I am,’ because it is obvious that I’m smarter than you.” or something like that I just cracked up…

Er. THat’s all.


Agree! Undeclared is good, and I think it is added all the more hilarity by the fact that the roomie with the glasses looks, sounds, and acts just like a friend of mine.

And That 70s Show is friggin awesome and whoever disagrees is obviously a Nazi.

No way! The old Loud-o kicks ass.

I like Undeclared, and I did not know Timm Sharp was from here.

What is this? Another Fargoan on the SDMB! I thought I was the only one.

I think Undeclared is funny as hell - I missed last night’s episode, but the one last week with Will Ferrall kicked ass. Ferrall on speed is my idea of total hilarity. The dorky dude annoys me, but I love the guy with the classes and his British (Australian? I’m bad with accents) friend. I loved it last week when they were all pimped out in leather suits.

Another thing I like is that there isn’t a laugh track (unless I’m really spazzing…I’m pretty sure there isn’t one). I didn’t like that Sports show for the same reason, but it works with Undeclared.

I must say that That 70’s Show is one of my all-time most favorites - I never ever miss it. It is perennially the funniest half-hour on television. My fave episode is the one when the parents eat hash brownies. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life!

A poor man’s Eugene Levy fifteen minutes too late!

Oh yeah, he’s from Fargo. He graduated from the same high school as me. My sister was in the same high school play productions as him! I’m practically a celebrity myself.