Is the best american animated tv show in a long time. The plot, characters, character developement and the action makes this series an enjoyable experiance. I can not wait for season 3. Seems suprising that Nickelodeon would let the subject of death, murder or genocide in their animated series.
I still can not believe that this is a Nickelodoen cartoon. Usually thier cartoons are real stupid like spongebob or rocko’s modern life.
The nomads in “The Cave of the Two Lovers” crack me up, and Sokka hopped up on goofballs (or magic mushrooms or something, I don’t recall exactly) wondering if the giant mushroom cloud would be his friend.
“What?! I’m saying I’d rather kiss you than die! That’s a compliment!”
I agree completely about Avatar. It’s a kick-ass show. Every character feels believable, and the action is spot-on.
I must disagree, however, with your assessment of Rocko’s modern life. That show had a subtle humor about it that led to the occassional hilarious moment. It also had a surreal tone which I liked, such as the Sausage King episode.
I think there’s a LOT of underappreciated animation going on.
Oban Star Racers is a REALLY well told story and <foreheadslap: I can’t believe I’m saying this> Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go </fhs> has some goodness (and a finale that had to have been written under the influence of drugs.
Get Ed’s good, and I can understand PowerRangers, if only from an Economic Theory standpoint.
I’m forced to watch this as I have two four year old boys. You can’t help but have some of it seep in.
I’d have to disagree with this statement. SpongeBob Squarepants, Rocko’s Modern Life, and also The Fairly Oddparents remind me of old Looney Tunes in their pacing and humor style. There are very few cartoons on television nowadays which have equal amounts slapstick and witty dialogue.
Although Power Rangers may be cartoony, it is not a cartoon.
I was introduced to Avatar after having my nephew stay with us over a weekend and I was instantly hooked. I found a site that had both full seasons so that I could watch them in order (Nick doesn’t seem to play the reruns in strict order).