I think i might be back at the Dope for good.

Here i come, crawling on my hands and knees, a different person to the Straight Dope. I would like to say that this return was righteous, but i am sorry to say that is not the case. I have been banned for life from the two message boards i have frequented for years. I have had a void in my life for the long days i have been without vB - a void that cannot be filled with drugs, sex, or any other forms of debauchery - a void that can be filled here.

So here i am, do your worst.

Oh yeah - i forgot to mention that i drive an SUV and believe in God. That’s enough to get stoned here, right? :smiley:

I believe in God too, sweetie, so if you are going to get stoned for THAT I will be right there with you.

Oh…wait a sec…you drive a SUV? Um…nevermind…

[sub]Scotti backs S L O W L Y away, being careful not to touch said SUV along the way…[/sub]

Hey, what did you do to get banned for life? Inquiring minds [sub]nosy minds[/sub] want to know! :smiley:

I got banned from both because the mods had it out for me. :o

Forum number 1 - i was basically a minority that liked to voice my opinion on a lot of things. I basically went against the conservative grain - most of the time just for a reaction. The admin finally kicked me out for good.

Forum number 2 - i was banned for a hidden link to gaymen.com although there is no nudity on that link and a mod had stated previously that it was okay. Then an over-zealous mod decided to ban me.

I could probably talk my way back in to both forums, but i don’t think its worth it.

But alas, i am back where there is some intelligence - just doing my part to help fight ignorance. Fighting the good fight.

Well, I am glad that you think there is some intelligence here. Since there IS, in fact, a LOT of intelligence here. (Not that I include mySELF in that stellar bunch, I didn’t even make the first cut… but I DO try to fight the good fight.)

Anyway, welcome home!

OTOH, I just realized I had you confused with someone else. I still welcome you home, but I hope you have learned something from your experience elsewhere. Should it apply here, I mean. And I think it might.

No offence intended.

Italics mine.
So you got kicked for trolling? That’s frowned upon here, too.

Welcome back.