I think I've ruined my boobs.

You know, I’ve tried to replicate the butterfly machine with free weights and I’ve never been able to do it correctly. It’s the combination of the upright seated posture, the perfect placement of the bars and the increasing weight that perfectly isolates the pecs and builds them without overbuilding the back muscles. Maybe you have a friend whose apartments feature a weight room? Or the Y?

Tricep pulldown.

Hm. Well, I’ll check the Y, then.

CeilingWhacks, that’s a good attitude!

Purple Jeans?

If I ever figure out how to scan photos, I’ll post one of me wearing them.

See, I got them at an outlet store in 1993. They’re purple paisley, to be exact. When I brought them home, my mom said, “Great! Now go wash off that body paint, and show me the pants you bought.” Shortly afterwards, I wore them on a six-hour Greyhound ride. I was going to a concert and would not have had time to change.

I don’t know at what point they ceased to fit. I do know that when I started this, I could not pull them further up than just above my knees. They were my measuring stick, and when I started this, I was ready to accept that they might never happen again. But soon I could get them to my upper thighs. Then almost all the way up. Then all the way up, but not zipped. Then zipped but not buttoned. Then I could fastened them fully, but not sit down in them. Now I can sit down in them, and cross my legs. :cool:

OK, I’ll admit this may sound a little crazy … but a few years back after I lost 40 lbs, my girls were a little droopy. Then I met a new boy who loved to lavish loads of attention on them. And I am talking loads. (sigh) i miss that boy. and the girls plumped up nicely. so much so that people noticed, through clothes. (they’ve never been that bodacious, more the cute little perky type.) I went from a B- to a B+

It couldn’t hurt to ask Mr. Rilch for his help now, could it ? :wink:

after all, even if there’s no “improvement” you probably will feel better.
and let me also congratulate you on the weight loss !

Aw man… if my hubby’s boob-grabbing increased their size, they’d have their own zip code by now… :wink:

Maybe yours just swelled with pride? :smiley:

Well, maybe not the grabbing part, but a lot of suckling could do the trick. It’s possible to start lactation just by suckling and lactating titties are definitely plumper than non-lactating ones. I still get let down reflex when mine are messed about with enough–though only one is friendly enough to allow this to happen. I suppose I could get lopsided via this method… not that I’m thinking that would be a good thing, though! :stuck_out_tongue:

Fifty years of pornographic magazines, and girls still don’t understand that men just like tits. We don’t care what they look like as long as they don’t reach your navel and you let us play with them.

Bench presses will do a lot more for building your pectorals than butterflys will. Free weights and complex movements are always better for real fitness than machines because they require support from peripheral muscles for balance. If you really want to try and duplicate the motion, dumbbells and a weight bench will do just fine: dumbbell flys

Visit Stumptuous for a ton of exercise advice, much of it female-oriented.

Err… no… she’s judging how her tits look by, uh, how her tits look. :confused:

Is a woman being critical of an aspect of her appearance forbidden now? Just because we don’t base our self-worth on appearance, now we shouldn’t give a rat’s ass about it at all? I supposed we should just shlub around all slovenly and gross because after all, caring about our appearance means we’re judging ourselves. :rolleyes:

Forgive me and other women for caring about how we look. I think it’s highly unfair of you to accuse us of therefore “judging” ourselves based on what we find. We’re not allowed to be emotionally invested in our appearance? We’re not allowed to try to look nice? We’re not allowed to care when age makes us look worse than we used to? Christ there are a lot of rules, I need to go get a pencil.

Am I the only one who is totally turned off (almost grossed out) by the word “suckling” as used in reference to the sexual attention paid by a man to a woman’s boobies? “Sucking” is the action of applying suction (with the mouth, in this case). “Suckling” is the act of drawing milk out of a breast… and the idea of my boyfriend drinking my breastmilk makes me come preeeetty close to vomiting.

Edited to add: I’m not trying to disenfranchise lesbians out there, I used “man” purely because it was what was being discussed.

My grandmothers’ would be their own country… it’s going on 71 years of boob-grabbing! (Their 70th wedding aniversary is next month)

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Your girls are being neglected? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: That’s just terrible! I insist upon being able to rectify this situation immediately! What a cruel world we live in when girls are neglected!

Sounds as though you’re fond of any tits!

Thanks for the “uplifting” message to us empowerd females!

I can relate to the uhh, changes that aging and childbirth have brought about. However, the color of the glasses I now see my body through are far different than before. This body grew, nurtured and produced life and was able to sustain that life pretty single handedly for over a year. I sorta wish I had my pre-pregnancy (or heck, even pregnancy) boobs back, but these I have are better. I like the reminders of what I was able to do.

Then again, I typically like scars and such. I once stated after meeting a very generic short blonde with big tits that the best thing that could happen to her would be to get an interesting scar so you could tell her apart from the pack. It wasn’t a nice thing to say, but seriously, she was pretty darned generic. I always viewed her as a can with a white label that had “SHORT BLONDE-BIG TITS” in big letters on it. (Not that there is anything wrong wiht that)

Congrats on your weight loss. It can take your body a while to get situated with its new self. Mine is still changing and my daughter is 19 months old. I firmly believe that your body has a spot it likes to be in and a way that it likes to be and left to its own devices will be as close to that as it can. If your body likes having bodacious tatas, I’d bet that ultimately, it will revert whichever way it can.

"Tuckerfan, registered for foster-care of ignored and neglected breasts since…at least 3 posts. " :smiley:

Heck, I’ll kiss them and make them all better.

“I’m not old!”

For short-term ego boosting, a rene-faire corset will showcase them, and your new waist, like you would not believe. Apply corset, lean forward, jiggle a little (a little goes a long way) straighten your shoulders, and begin world domination.