I think my room mate is trying to kill me

My room mate was walking around spraying practically the entire can of air freshener today. Excessive amounts of scents like that tend to trigger my asthma, and I said as much. Her response? “Oh, but it smells good, it’s not a problem.” And sprayed more

Excuse me? It smells good, so I’m wrong, it won’t trigger anything? Or did you mean that the room smelling good is more important than me breathing? Not that it smells good anyway at those concentrations, but that’s beside the point. My point is this: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? I swear, I’m amazed she didn’t get it out again because my inhaler didn’t smell nice.

Somebody tried to kill you and all you could dish out was one “fuck”? Admittedly, it was in capital letters, but still…
Perhaps there’s some spray like “fart in a can” that you can use in retaliation?

It’s really very out of character for me. Especially on the room mate subject. I say things about her sometimes that would make a harpy blush.

I think it’s because I had just been talking to my mother. I was still in parent mode. :o

“Could you please not put peanuts in my dessert cake, I’m allergic to them. They cause me to, uh, DIE”.

“Well, they taste pretty good, so it’s not really a problem”.

Geez, if you have a problem with too much air freshener, maybe you could open some windows?

Maybe she was suggesting, in a not-too-subtle-way that YOU smell bad…


That’s the time you grab the air freshener can, and throw it against the wall (or the floor) with all your might. Then you say “Spray that fucking thing again, and I’ll shove it up your ass!”

Alternately, buy your own can, and empty the entire thing into her bedroom (if it is separate) and see how she likes it.

Another alternate is to throw away every can of freshener you find, and then dump egg shells, tomato sauce and coffee grinds on top, just in case.

No, I don’t deal well with roomates.