I think that we need a secret handshake or something

I think we should have a ring, like the superbowl rings, only less gaudy…

oh helll…

make it gaudy…Big Chunk o’Gold with SDMB initials encusted in diamonds encircled with *Fighting Ignorance since 1973 *

Better yet, how about we wear a fez with a propeller atop that. Stylish, yet playful. :slight_smile:

I’ve been thinking of making my liscense plate read: SDMB


Ooh, I like the fez idea.

I’ve always wanted a fez. The propeller on top would just be spiffy swell. If we get them, what color could they be? I lean toward the classic red, though there is something to be said for a snazzy leopard print.

No, no, no! Leopard print is for the sash!

Now that’s snazzy!

Careful. With all this talk of fezzes, we might get confused for the Shriners.

Obviously, we need Cadillacs to drive around in. Just to differentiate us from the tiny-car-driving Freemasons.

I bought a rainbow colored beanie with a green propellor at a sci-fi convention once. It surely does stand out, and people DO ask about it.

Being the most well-informed people in the room?

A search for “ItShutUp” only turns up this thread.

My Darn snake Legs doesn’t know the secret handshake?!!

Intruder alert!!