Other than a continuing case of dropitis infliciting Terrell Owens, easily remedied by inserting Stokes or Street into the lineup I think the Niners have turned the corner. Based on their peformance yesterday I saw:
An improved defense, especially in the 1st half.
Better sync in the offense
Much improved performance by Special Teams (no penalties for a change)
Yeah, turned the corner and choking on St. Louis Ram dust! HA HA HA!
Now you Niner guys can know what it was like for me during all those damn Joe Montana years and beyond! Let me warn ya, it’s chilly in the cellar! Better snuggle up to the Saints for warmth. HA HA HA!
(Stuffinb, only kidding. No hard feelings, really, but keep in mind, I waited THIRTY YEARS for the Rams to make it to #1, so my gloating is understandable. I wish the Niners luck… just not TOO much luck.)
stuffnb, I’m not so sure you can say the defense looked better in the 1st half, as much as the Rams offense just wasn’t playing up to their standard. For most of the first half, Warner seemed off, throwing interceptions and making bad passes in general. I don’t know how much of that can be credited to the Niner defense and how much can be credited to Rams offense having an off-day (in the first half at least).
The 49ers are the reason I like the NFL’s financial structure. If you spend and spend and spend to bring in new good players like the 49ers did, eventually there has to be a price. The New York Yankees, by contrast, have seemingly nothing in the way of purchasing as many championships as they wish.
It’s interesting to see who’s still backing the 49ers now that they aren’t any good. Those who do deserve applause. All those years of success can result in a pretty crowded bandwagon.
Well Crunchy I was primarily referring to some of the rookie mistakes Id seen in previous weeks, like playing too far off receivers, and holding calls. FTR, I thought Warner started off slow too. But imnsho, I think a lot of his completions were great throws vs. blown coverage.
Oh and the offensive scheme the Niners played was better and more aggressive than it’s been recently too. I forgot to put that in the OP.
Hey Snooopy I agree with you the the Niners cap problems, but disagree with the cause. The Niners had to spend to keep their talent, not to acquire it from elsewhere…well except for that Sanders fiasco.
I honestly didn’t watch much of this game, so there may have been some things you saw that gave you hope that I’m not aware of.
That being said, I don’t know how how a 17 point drubbing is a positive thing. Sure they were even with them at the half. They stilled only scored 24 points against a defense that was allowing 35 per game for the first two weeks. The Niner defense continued its woes, allowing a 100 yard rusher, 100 yard receiver, and 300 yard passer (granted, with the Rams offense this is not an unusual occurrence).
Garcia does seem to be coming along, although he still had 2 interceptions. Penalties appear to be a problem as well. 7 in one game is too high.
The good thing for Niner fans is that they don’t have to play very many teams that have an elite defense. I don’t see a “better than average” (top half) defense until they play Green Bay.
Anyway, they’re your team. At least you’re not jumping ship
The Niners won their first Super Bowl when I was two. I don’t know how to deal with this. They’ve been good my entire life, how does one deal with a crappy football team? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. Should I watch them lose every week? Would masochistic behavior prove I’m a good fan? Or can I just ignore them as long as the baseball season continues?
What about grabbing Gabe “Wow, was I a HUGE waste of cash!” Wilkins from Green Bay? Or bringing in sack specialist Kevin Greene for a season or so? Ken Norton came from Dallas, if I recall.
The 49ers did some major-league cherry-picking of other teams’ goodies.
The only good thing about when your favorite team sucks is when they DO turn it around. The feeling is much better if you actually suffer through the bad times with the team, instead of deserting them during the bad times and jumping on the bandwagon when they’re good.
That’s actually one reason why I don’t like the Packers as much since their Super Bowl win as I did before. I watched them religiously all through high school and college when they sucked. Then they do well and suddenly you can’t look anywhere without seeing Packer-this and Packer-that. Everyone calling themselves diehards when half of them can’t name any players from the dreadful 80’s. I still like the Pack. But I also like to see them lose sometimes just to watch the hangers-on fall off the band wagon.
Simple. One perseveres. One endures the hardships and the gut-wrenching years of mediocrity until one’s team rises again. Then, when greatness returns, one can revel in the joy of being a true fan. At least that’s what happened to me with my beloved Packers.
For the alternate ending, ask Milossarian.
Just kiddin’ Milo. The Lions are 2-1 and the Packers are 1-2, so I have nothing to crow about. I think I have found a winning stategy for both teams this year: Simply don’t score any offensive touchdowns and you win.
Hmm Ummm, sorry Snoooopy, I didn’t realize you considered Kevin Greene talent Besides, the Niners have had more of their talent sapped away than they’ve taken. Stubblefield, Eric Davis and several others immediately spring to mind, not to mention our coaches are scattered all over the league, bringing a good game plan to all those wannabe’s
gazooI like the younger players on defense, we’re getting six deffenders to the ball. Marshall Faulk deserved those yards he got, again I prefer to give him the credit he’s due than trash the DL. That being said, I’d like to see a beter performance out of the CB position, and stability at safety, but they tried and looked good at least in the 1st half. BTW, I still haven’t changed my 8-8 prediction, what are you prediciting for the Dallas game, im saying a Niners win.
Don’t worry **Kyla{/b] I think we’re on the right track to rebuilding (hey somebodies gotta keep saying that right).
Kind of depends on how things go for Dallas tonight, and who they start at QB next week. I think Cunningham gives them a better passing game and that hurts the Niners chances.
I will ammend what I said a week or so ago, I see them ending up 5-12 or 6-10 with 2 wins over the Saints, 1 over the Cards, and chances over the Cowboys and the Chargers. I’m adding another win for them to slip one past Carolina or Atlanta.