I took the Bar today.

That was fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought it took a couple days? Or is John Grisham a liar?

I want to Ask the Person Who Just Took the Bar!

What was the room like? What the heck is “the Bar” anyway - a really long paper exam? Are there essays? Wow, I don’t know a damn thing about this. Tell us more, please.

I’m actually completely wiped out, so this is just gonna be a quick post. Hopefully more later.

The details of the bar varies state by state, although every state has one day composed of the Multistate Bar Examination, which is 200 multiple choice questions over the course of six hours, covering Constitutional Law, Evidence, Criminal Law, Property, Torts, and Contracts. That was today. Tuesday was the first day of my bar, and it consisted of 1) a three-hour morning session where you’re twice given a fake casefile and a library of cases and relevant authorities and have to draft a memo in the hour and a half allotted, and 2) a three-hour afternoon session of six essay questions, each to take half an hour. You don’t need to know substantive law for the casefile portion; the essays could cover Family Law, Civil Procedure, Federal Jurisdiction, Agency & Partnerships, Commercial Paper, Corporations, Sales, Trusts, Conflict of Laws, Decedents’ Estates, or Secured Transactions. Supposedly your essays are graded one-third on your knowledge of the applicable law, one-third on the clarity and organization of your writing, and one-third on the soundness and comprehensiveness of your arguments.

I’ll explain more when I wake up tomorrow (I have to go right back to work and finish an opinion!) – feel free to ask questions in the interim.

Are you going to give it back? :eek:

Wimp. California’s a three-day bar, not this pansy-ass two day vacation you all do. :wink:

Congratulations on finishing. I have a vague memory of sitting on my couch and staring at a blank wall after I finished my bar; I couldn’t even put together a coherent sentence.

Congratulations! I hope it goes well. I’m a 2L, and just getting to where I can baaaaarely see the Bar Exam way off in the distance. It scares the crap out of me, and makes me wish I’d learned CivPro a little better.

What’s the female equivalent of “esquire?”

Not only am I not going to give it back, but I may have to take it again! :smiley:

And can I tell you how happy I am that the essays didn’t feature anything about Commercial Paper or Trusts? At least, I don’t think they did…


Why? :slight_smile:

jackelope: Don’t worry…everything you need to know will be drilled into you during bar review anyway. Of course, I didn’t take bar review (couldn’t manage the hours, what with my job), so I studied on my own. But still, remembering the stuff from law school only gets you about 15 percent of the way there. And chances are you won’t need to know Federal Civ Pro anyway – I did, but only because I took the D.C. bar exam.


Thanks! Although I’m back at work this morning, so it seems my blank-wall-staring time is already at an end. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to put together a coherent sentence, so that wasn’t an issue to begin with.

Yeah? Well I went to the bar today. And I passed…out.

Congratulations on the milestone. I’m sure you’re glad that there’s finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck!

Pretty cool. Good luck! Keep us posted on how it went. Sending lucky thoughts your way! :slight_smile:

Wow. I don’t know anybody who took the D.C. Bar. But OTOH, after I finished I had to drive the four hours back home from fucking Roanoake, so maybe you did the right thing.

BTW, not every state uses the MBE. I don’t think Washinton does, for instance.

I remember completely blowing the negotiable paper essay question when I took it, but I passed, so I never have to worry about it again.


Gadarene, congrats on getting through the whole process so far - and let’s hope you don’t have to be a recidivist bar-taker!

According to an old Staff Report, it looks like female lawyers in the U.S. just use “esquire”: How can I go about getting the title of “esquire”?

For a couple of earlier threads commenting on the meaning and use of esquire, see:

Use of ‘esquire’ illegal? (although I should warn you that this thread, nominally in the sedate “Comments on Staff Reports”, took on a bizarre Pit-like quality. Who knew that a discussion of an obsolete English title, picked up by the American bar, could generate so much heat?)

Lawyers’ use of “Esquire”

How long before you get the results?

If your question is what do female lawyers put after their names, the answer is “esquire.”

Campion, Esq.

Although my dad still refuses to believe that’s proper and continues to search for something like “Esquiress” to use. Esquiritrix?

You took the D.C. exam instead of Virginia? Ballsy. Were you the only one in the room? :smiley:

You reminded me of my old thread from when I took the sucker:

Taking the Bar Exam in Seven Days: pravnik’s journal

And some eyes-on-the-prize good vibes to you:

My Bar Exam results are in aaaand…

That was a good feeling. :slight_smile:

So what if you specialized in constitutional law and the test asks about wills? When you get out of law school, do you know about every kind of law? That sound impossible. :confused:

The worst part of the bar is the 4 month wait from the time you take the examination till the time you find out if you passed or not.

(I passed by the way)
