I took the bullet so you wouldn't have to: Hot Tub Time Machine

I didn’t realize it was bad because I was too busy laughing my damn fool head off!

I did like the one-armed bellhop mini-plot, but in my opinion it was about the only funny thing. Apparently I may find myself in the minority. Oh well.

It’s a real movie?!

Seriously, it was referenced in 30 Rock a couple of weeks ago, and I just thought they were doing their zany no-way-this-can-be-a-real-movie thing… but it IS!!! :eek:

After Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in Tooth Fairy, I just don’t think anything is impossible anymore.

Anything is possible in a world where there is a movie called Donkey Punch.

Agreed. Did anyone else notice that Jacob is only supposed to be 20 yrs old in 2010, yet was conceived in 1986? :dubious:

Do you honestly want to debate the consistency of the temporal mechanics in a movie called “Hot Tub Time Machine”?

Damn. I felt the same way about The Hangover – cute, by why do so many jackasses think it’s the second coming of comedy. And I want HTTM to be good.

I saw it with my best friend last night, and we both thought it was okay. It was pretty much exactly what I was expecting, and I got a couple really good laughs out of it, which is about all I expect out of any kind of high concept mainstream movie.

I give it two out of five Hangovers.

I read a review by some bible-thumper (the kind who counts swear words, number of times gods name is taken in vain, how many times cleavage is shown) and he about crapped his pants with outrage!:smiley:

I liked it, but spent the ENTIRE movie thinking ‘Ok, this would be much better with a couple of drinks in’. And I don’t drink often, or much, or do other recreational drugs <anymore…> but yeah.

This is a stoner flick :smiley:

As such, I enjoyed it, even though I was sober; I definitely want to rewatch it at home, a little buzzed. :stuck_out_tongue:

It was worth it for 3 things, one of which I need to research more <by watching it again, but not right now>

  1. Crispin Glover
  3. References to other movies. I only caught one of them <an obvious one>; my sweetie caught another fairly obvious one that I missed, and now I am wondering how many inside jokes there really were there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aw man, I liked that movie. It wasn’t great or anything, but I was just in the right mood at the time and enjoyed myself very much. I also liked The Hangover. Neither are Tropic Thunder-level brilliant, but enjoyable enough at the time.

The reason I would go see this is because of John Cusack. It’s not high priority for me, but I’ll probably see it at some point before it leaves the theaters.

I loved it. I thought it was funny from beginning to end. It’s nice to see a reference to Better Off Dead. Jacob’s age was kind of weird, but I waved it away by saying Cusack calling him 20 when he was really 24 just describes his disinterest in the world around him.

I liked how closely it tracked to a Back to the Future type traveling movie. Things can change without catastrophic changes and really they change for the better.

Chevy Chase pulled out a few funny lines. His career has been saved, I think. Somehow he has lost some of the annoyance he had picked up at some point and is able to just throw out the funny. After that episode of Law and Order he was in he would never make people laugh again. But, small parts like this and moreso his Community performance shows that he is funny again.

I liked The Hangover a bit more than this. But, preferred both over Tropic Thunder. If that gives you an idea of the sort of opinions I have.

I expected Crispin Glover to have a small cameo like the guy from Karate Kid did. It was fantastic to see him have a much larger part.

I thought it was so subtle yet so hilarious that he kept thinking Jacob was a girl.

I haven’t seen the movie, but a person conceived anywhere from July to December in 1986 most likely hasn’t had their 23rd birthday yet.

So if the guy is 22, John Cusack’s character refers to him as 20, and an SDMB poster refers to him as 24, just what is the threshold we’re using for unbelievable stupidity?

The usual Pootie-Tang standard.

Good point. God, I wasn’t even adding the 9 months. Just assuming born in '86. Dumb! In my own defense, I am not very smart.

Oh well, here is an error right in your bread house, Ellis Dee. It’s 1986 and they are watching a football game between the Broncos and the Browns. Broncos are down and Elway starts The Drive. Is there something wrong with this picture?

But, really any errors in time are unimportant to the fun and funnyness of the movie.

And an intentional error was a set up to one of my favorite jokes.

Cordry’s character yells - "And John Lennon is going to be shot!!"and a second later says “Wait. Lennon already got shot!”

Hampshire, That was another of my favorites!

I saw it last night, and thought it was pretty funny. Predictable, but funny. It was exactly what I expected it to be.

One inside joke I liked was When a character in the movie yelled out “I want my two dollars” which is an oft repeated line from a different John Cusack move: Better Off Dead.

Yeah, but in this age of the Internet I can see ninety seconds of naked boobies without having to sit through ninety minutes of boring stupidity.

Yep, that was the inside joke I noticed. My sweetie noticed later on that John Cusack was wearing THE long coat and THE half-gloves that he wore through much of Just Say Anything

I have to wonder how many more inside jokes the guys brought to the movie, and how many I missed!