You call my wife and tell her, a week after the alleged incident happened, that you don’t think our children should play together anymore. It seems to me that whenever there has a been a dispute or problem between our children your response has been 1) “I think the kids should spend some time apart” and 2) “It was your kids’ fault.” You never considered taking the time to work it out and find out just exactly what happened. You never considered that the reason you precious little cherub was insulted was because she said some nasty shit to our kids. Well fuck you!. Have you ever considered that your precious little angels are just as much to blame or maybe even started the whole thing? Hmmm? No, because apparently we are the bad parents with the bad kids. We called you friends for over 10 yrs and now you drop this bomb!??!! What the Fuck?! And at a time when we need friends the most. Your lame ass, passive-aggressive offer to continue homeschooling our kids while my wife is at that hospital with our son was just cheap. It was bullshit and we saw right through it. How the fuck can you homeschool our kids and still keep them apart from your own. My children are no angels, but I’ll be damned if they are as bad you think they are. Was your friendship pity because you thought that poor us just needed a little time? Fuck you, you shit. You sick, neurotic cunt and you’re two-faced husband too. You have spent you lives in your own little self-righteous world where you sit upon your ivory throne casting judgement on all who aren’t like you. You have taken over-protective to a whole new level. You started homeschooling you kids because you didn’t want them exposed to the world outside of your home, not because you thought the school system wasn’t doing a good job. For fuck sake, you 11 yr old cried when she watched Jurassic Park for the first time. They still haven’t seen Lord of the Rings because the bad guys are still too scary. And you still believe that your children hadn’t heard “fuck” before a month ago, when it was on a movie you were watching. I have learned a valuable lesson in all this, you can’t trust anyone and you most certainly can never rely on anyone. I wash my hands of you. Now go away.
What exactly was the incident that sparked this?
Yes. It’s no fun to give vitriol without details.
I don’t really need to know the details of The Incident to suspect that this woman’s kids are going to have a rude awakening when they discover that they can’t simply run and hide from every negative experience in their lives. Doesn’t matter who started it - you need to learn to work things out with other people, even if they ARE the jerks who started it. Not that I’m saying your kids were the jerks that started it, but EVEN IF, you know?
My sympathy to you, jerky kids or no. Ironically, you probably are better off without her.
I’m not exactly sure. It had something to do with playing house and it involved sex with the husband (playing, the teddy bears were supposed to be husbands or some such thing, it’s all very murky). The children are age 10-13. Playing house is not that unusual. My daughter was dumbfounded when my wife asked her about it. Usually when my daughter is lying, she tends to be evasive. She didn’t even try to push it off on the other kid, she was just dumbfounded. So I have no idea what really happened. Yesterday, my wife was visiting them and things were fine and happy. Today, boom! Makes me wonder if her kids were up to something and just trying to scapegoat my daughter. My daughter has a mean temper but you have to push a lot of buttons to get to it. So, I have no idea where this came from. I agree that I am probably better off without them in my life but my wife is now doubly burdened with caring for our son and trying to teach our children. Mostly this is what pisses me off. My wife is dealing with enough as it is and doesn’t need this extra burden. I can live without friends and I can deal with betrayal but to put this extra strain on my wife’s already overtaxed system is just too much.
You mention homeschooling. Is this something that’s going to cause you to need to revamp your lives to a large degree, on short notice?
Ewww. Furries.
Wow. They would have freaked back in the 60s when we had goddamn soap operas and full blown sex fests with our Barbies when we were 7.
Yep. My son’s hospital is an hour away from our home. She often stays at the hospital with him while he is going through chemo. She will now have to work out a schedule to be at the hospital and homeschool the kids.
Yeah, kids now about sex and play what they know. I’m certain it wasn’t pornographic in nature. My kids know where babies come from and know that sex makes babies. I think they know about coitus but I’m not sure. I pretty sure they have never seen a sexual act. If they have, it has been at someone else’s home, and if that is the case, I have some ass to go kick. So, sex with the husband means making babies to them, as far as I know. In other words, it wasn’t sexual.
Well, I don’t exactly understand the nature of the transgression, but I don’t think I really need to know. I gather that the children were playing and one set or the other (you kids/her kids) engaged in some play that one of you found objectionable, and given the description of the other parent as overprotective, I will assume your children made the remarks/play acting that she found objectionable. The other scenario is that the other children engaged in whatever kind of talk/play you found objectionable, but that doesn’t seem to be it. However, like I said, I don’t think those details matter because what it boils down to is that you have some very basic ideas of what kids can or cannot do that is appropriate in your eyes and it clashes with the other set of parents.
It very much does suck that the parent also happens to be the one that homeschools your children. I would take her up on her offer to continue homeschooling until year’s end (there’s only a couple months left, right?) unless you think she will actively cold-shoulder your kids and make them uncomfortable. After that, public school?
I am sorry you are having to deal with that while caring for a child with cancer. If you have other family (aunts, uncles, grandparents) now is definitely the time to reach out to them for help to rework your schedule.
It’s hard, but it can be done. Sometimes you just have to find the right mental yoga to bend your way to the solution.
Well, I’m not entirely sure that the play went on at all or if it was some kind of misunderstanding. I don’t have any relatives that are homeschooling so we’re kinda stuck with the situation. I just think it is really shitty that her solution to the problem is ending the relationship instead of working it out. I don’t need people like that in my life. It just really pisses me off that my wife and kids are the ones who will suffer because her stupidity and ignorance. We thought we could trust these people. We thought we were friends. Guess not, huh?
Ugh! People like that are so frustrating. If you weren’t across the country, I’d be happy to homeschool your kids along with mine for a while.
Thank you for sentiment. You sure you don’t want to move across the county
Oh god, you too? My cousin and I used to watch soap operas with my mom and get ideas from that. My Barbies were suicidal sluts with anorexia and drug addictions.
That really stinks that you’re stuck with the situation you’re in. From what you’ve said, the parents think that their kids are harmless angels (so any “bad” things happening must be something that your kids did) and they’re inflexible when it comes to certain things. There’s also an overprotective streak that is combined with a zero tolerance policy on things that they don’t approve. Because the kids are in a social group with homeschooling, they place the blame on your kids as the transgressors and don’t want to discuss any solution besides separating your kids from them.
It sounds like there’s a good possibility that their kids are not going to turn out to be well-rounded, socially aware adults. I’m sorry that the situation had to get to this point.
It’s official. We collected all of the homeschooling stuff and whatever else they had that was ours. Nothing was said but banter. I sent an email disclosing how deeply hurt and disappointed I was that, instead of working things out, they would choose to end a 15 year relationship.
She emailed back saying it was my wife who ended the friendship…Huh?! She said that the girls shouldn’t spend anymore time together. So, we should leave our daughter home or in the car if we visit? No. She is twisted. She hasn’t had an original thought in 15 years. Either her brothers or her husband have told her what to think. If her husband believes it, she believes it; if he thinks it, she thinks it; if he says it’s true, it’s true. You get the picture.
So, I’m actually kinda glad to have that sickness out of my life. What burns my ass is that the stupid cunt and her husband still think it was our fault. Take some fucking responsibility in your life you moronic, self-rightous, shits. AAAAHHHHH!!!
Okay… better now…I’ll put the gun down, step slowly away, and climb down out of the tower.
I hate stupid people!
Is it common for 10 - 13 year-olds to have this much parental involvement in their friendships?
For some reason when I read the first post I thought the kids involved would be a lot younger, more like kindergarten age.
Count me surprised as well. When I was that age my parents did not micromanage my relationships to that extent, and I’d have been mortally embarrassed if they had tried.
How was this person ever a better choice to educate *your * kid than a public or private school?