I want my Nude Twister

woohoo … 100 posts.

phew it was hard work.

Congratulations me!

yay me!

go team!

who’s your plt …


Now have you vacuumed yet? If we’re having guests over…

I brought the jello and the crisco…

What’s that? you don’t know what the crisco’s for?

Well I’ve come to the right place then, just let me show you…
(I love a party!)

erm no … i’ve been too busy trying to get to 100 posts :slight_smile:

100 post party? that is like sooo 181 poasts ago. Now a 300 post party thats where the real funis at. With bikini girls and a keg and a pool and damn it i want my party now!

I just posted a weird question for my 100th. I’m saving up for the big blowout at 1000–probably later this year, given the level of my addiction. I am, however, always ready to help someone else celebrate. Especially since Brunetter is already here with the jello and Crisco!

odd that my wife would go to a naked twister party and not tell me … guess that should tell me something about the size of my bum or something! chuckle

pLt - from one new 100-poster to another: CONGRATS! :smiley:

Here, have a drink :

Where are Dave Letterman’s “Stupid ASCII Tricks” when you really need them??

Congrats. Now where’s my drink?

Listen here squirrelboy, every post party has a keg! Don’t make me take you to the parking lot!

CoNgRaTs, pLt!


Wow, and you’ve already managed to post 33 more times since this thread’s inception 24 hours ago. Way to go.

Hey there, Congrat’s on 100.

At the rate you are posting, you’ll have 1000 in no time.

:: sets up a lawn chair, pops open a beer ::

Ok, where are the Strippers?!?

Hey, what’s teh accepted practice here? Do you throw your own post party, or should someone else honor you by throwing it?
Of course, you can throw a Thursday 0930 party if you feel like it…

Those category 5’s pelt my sensitive skin with too much debris…

100 posts? Awwww, they’re so cute at that age.

Actually, pLt I really thought you had a lot more posts than that. I think that’s a good thing.

Somebody call for a stripper?

looks nervously around while everyone just stares

Ok…left elbow…red dot. Got it.


Right testicle, green dot.


knob, blue dot. ouch


Both nipples, red dot.

My spleen just feel out

Lazarus7 said:

“odd that my wife would go to a naked twister party and not tell me … guess that should tell me something about the size of my bum or something! chuckle

Or something, laz . . . maybe she’s hinting to you at what she’d like to do later . . . ::ducking hockey pucks and snowballs being thrown by both brunetter and lazarus::

WOOHOO 200 Posts!

  •      300 POSTS !!! *