I want to make a Flash movie. How can I start?

Ok, the thing is, I have Flash MX. So now I feel like making a 10-20 minute movie. With music. And voices. And nice special effects. How can I start to make one now? And most importantly, how can I make this with only 63 MB of RAM?

You’ll probably have a problem with only 63 megs.
Recently, I’ve been working on a computer with 256 megs and am constantly battling with it’s lack of RAM. The files I’m working with are in the 30-40 meg range (the .fla files).

Your other option is to make the movie in a series of 1-2 minute clips. Its possible to link .swf files together with the loadMovieNum() command. Although preloading may be a problem with this technique.

If you’re not familiar with Flash I’d recommend making smaller movies first. Get familar with tweens, movieClips, scenes, etc.,
Then go for the bigger project once you’re comfortable with the application.

I apologize if my message doesn’t make sense I’m still reccovering from last night. :slight_smile:

You seem like a Flash expert… Can you give me tips and stuff on how to learn this stuff?

Start with the Flash tutorials from the Flash help menu.
The online tutorials should give you a solid start on Flash basics (and not so basics).

Then check out http://www.flashkit.com they have pretty much everything you’ll need to get started in Flash. Tutorials, sample fla files, music, sound effects, etc.,

You’ll definitely want to start with short movies first and work you way up though. Far too many things can go wrong in big movies.

That being said making your own short animated movies is tons of fun. If possible post your first projecs here, I’d love to see it.