I want to replay Bioshock; how to make it less scary?

On the forums, people would constantly ask for ways to skip that quest. Admittedly, much of the time it was because that level is a chore (the sewers had the same problem). Still, some people genuinely couldn’t get through the first time.

I will. :slight_smile: After I finish X-files, as I said - then that daily hour will be spent on Bioshock instead.

Also, I’ve never played BioShock, so go beat it for me, or some such.

You can do what I do - whenever Atlas radios you, answer him at length, out loud, using that same thick as mud Irish brogue he does. Then later, switch to the thuggish Brooklyn accent.

Alternately, buy a copy of “Thief: Deadly Shadows”, rush through it as fast as you can until you reach the Shalebridge Cradle level. Play that, in the dark, full surround sound, preferably during a thunderstorm. If you’re still coherent and sane after that, Bioshock will be a breeze.

It is an awesome game. Just wish they would make an RPG of it, as I said.

muldoonthief if that is as terrifying as you imply I will be a gibbering fool twitching on the ground. It ain’t happening!

System Shock 2.

oh wow, i remember now. the game’s crappy but just the mansion parts were worth the price. standing at one end of a long corridor filled with open windows and billowing curtains… it’s amazing how even knowing what to expect didn’t help relieve the tension.

I don’t know what that means. I haven’t played System Shock either.

You need to play this game. Its epic, one of my favorites. Go buy it…its hella fun. And creepy!

Meh. I’m just treading video game water until Halo: Reach. After that, that’s pretty much all I’m playing.

How To Play Bioshock

System Shock and System Shock 2 were the predecessors. It’s where SHODAN gets his name…it’s another creepy, creepy story. I don’t intend to play it but have read much about it.

Ok, so I started reading this and started giggling over it because it is SO TRUE. Then my coworker said, “Mika, is that you giggling?”

I have a very serious and calm reputation at work so I think she was a little surprised to say the least. I got all mock-serious and was like, “Nope. Never! Not me!”

Well, there’s your solution. Play System Shock 2. After that, nothing in Bioshock will be all that scary. You’ll actually be happy to play a game with no monkeys.

The only downside is that SHODAN ruins Terry Brosius’s voice for you. I’m playing Deus Ex : Invisible War for the first time and I’m convinced that Ava Johnson is going to squash me like an … insect.

In my experience, the best and most efficient way to make something not scary at all is playing/watching/listening to it with a friend and cracking wise the whole time. That’s how I watched Ju-On, and that’s how it didn’t creep me out one bit.

Of course, one could argue that trying to play a scary game the non-scary way kind of defeats the purpose…

That’s what I came in to say. Bioshock made me jump twice (both in the medical pavillon with its monsters that would suddenly appear behind you or jump out of closets) but aside from that I didn’t find it scary.

Shalebridge Cradle had me really scared. I do recommend playing it alone and in the dark in one stretch. You’ll be very scared but you’ll like it. The game is worth its price just for that level.

People, please. I don’t want to be terrified! I play Bioshock in spite of the fear, not because of the fear, because it is such a cool game and the world of Rapture is immersing. Generally I don’t play very many terrifying games.

Sheesh. You all are trying to give me a heart attack! :slight_smile:

I don’t like being scared all that much either. The only horror movies I like are the 28 days/weeks series. Even then, play the Shalebridge cradle level. One of the best level designs I’ve seen.

Can you lower the difficulty mid-game? If so, you can make it easier during the medical pavillon level and crank it back up later.

Play in a well-lit area with someone else in the home, preferably with some other noisy activity going on. If you have pets, keep them around. This will help keep you from being immersed in the game and getting scared.

Or you could stop being such a feminist and just ask your man to pass the medical level for you : )

On another topic: Have you tried Fallout 3? If you liked Bioshock, you should like Fallout 3 as well.

I lurves me some Fallout 3. And that doesn’t scare me at all, not even when the ghouls rush in at me in the dark subway tunnels. But then, the first thing I always do is go get Dogmeat, so I am never alone.

And while my SO may do the occasional jumping puzzle for me, I never ask him for more than that!

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, I know how you can get the System Shock 2 experience anywhere you go. Just put one hand out as if on a keyboard, the other as if working a mouse. Then just start screaming and shitting your pants.

Just imagine all the Big Daddy’s in their underwear.