I want to start a writer's group

On Facebook. To discuss subjects such putting up a good writer’s website, getting well-paying private clients, looking for an agent and just making some money working for various publications. My credentials include a book that I co-authored with another doper and done many other kinds of writing including a lot of hideously boring SEO work. In the next year I want to a) get an agent, b) write another book and c) develop a base of freelance clients who are willing to pay decently for good copy.

Who’s in? I have been looking for a decent writer’s group but have yet to find one. So start my own it is.

There are already many really good writers’ message boards and interactive sites out there. Really, tons. And about elebenty million published writers with websites, FB pages and yahoo groups. Also thousands of writers’ blogs and twitter accounts with tons of resources updated daily. I’m really surprised you haven’t been able to find even one, really? What would you bring to the table that isn’t out there already?

It is a very saturated market, and published well-known authors are a dime a dozen. Even mega-popular authors such as Dean Koontz, Anne Rule, Stephen King et al don’t get much traction on their websites or social media accounts.

Check out Absolute Write, Angela Hoy’s Writers’ Weekly, Publisher’s Weekly and Query Shark for starters, if you want to learn more about the business. Those are a few of the venerable, established sites.

Um I just wanted a Facebook group where those of us here who are writing for money could have some decent discussions about attracting new clients in a safe and supportive environment where people can admit that a penny a word is pathetic pay without being called elitist snobs. I happen to spend at least an hour a day writing for money or doing something writing related and I wanted to have a place to discuss such activities with others. Absolute Write is okay but I find that there aren’t many non-fiction writers on the site. Angela Hoy of Writer’s Weekly is an anti-vax moron who needs to shut the fuck up about her bratty little Mason and his oh-so-superior unvaccinated immune system. If you find that offensive I’m sorry.

Oh, OK. I am not offended in the least.
Best of luck with your new Facebook group! It’s an innovative idea and I am sure it will take off like gangbusters.

Jesus Christopher what is with the nasty replies? There are writers on this site. I thought it might be nice to have a space to discuss subjects such as what people are writing now, how they make money and share leads. If you don’t want to join I promise not to cry.

I don’t think the structure of Facebook would be conducive to something like that. It makes in depth discussion of topics very difficult.

Some of the things you’re talking about can already be found at Absolute Write, and it has a group of published authors already involved, many of which make real money writing and who know the issues.

Absolute Write does exist and it’s valuable, but be forewarned that it’s highly structured and in a way that puts off a lot of people.
The only problem I see with your idea for a Facebook page is attracting enough people to make it worthwhile, as there are already a lot of Facebook writer’s groups and a lot of them see very little traffic.

You’re right. I just thought given how many people post here, we might have enough writers to keep it going. Absolute Write can be helpful. It led to me to my first real assignment. I ran into Voyager’s fabulous wife there and learned a lot from her. There are real writers on that site which is handy when looking for some serious advice.

Not sure why you are so defensive? I didn’t think I posted anything nasty; did I?

I am a widely published writer, with an agent, a national book award, a website, multiple books in print published by whoever publishes and sells books, and a shit ton of freelance and highly paid content crap. I have made tens of thousands of dollars at this, without Facebook or Twitter.

And I am here to tell you, Facebook author pages are a total waste of time. Nobody. Cares. Unless you have some serious chops, awards, an incredibly engaging style and a very active social media platform, you’re going nowhere.

I’ve fallen into correspondence with some of the authors here, and it’s been very, very worth the effort. Just exchanging chapters, now and then, and sharing advice.

I wouldn’t want to get involved in a FB meet-up. Too structured, too formal. A one-on-one exchange is, I think, better. It gives you a chance to develop trust, and that’s damned important when you’re sending your work to strangers for their opinion. To begin with, can you trust them with your real name? Can you trust them not to steal? Can you trust them to be honest with their critiques? Can you trust them to be of any use with their critiques?

Ultimately, writing is like dying: you pretty much have to do it alone.

You’d think such a successful author would be able to realize the snarkiness and condescension of their own words.

An omnibus thread for writers here might see more traffic than a Facebook group.

I too go to Absolute Write for my hard-core writing discussion needs.

Goodreads has a group feature that might be more what you’re looking for. You can make thread folders for each writer/topic and if you’re going to critque each other’s work, the group can be private so the pieces won’t appear as “previously published” as they might on FB.