And now I feel really bad about it.
If you’ll indulge me for a second, here’s my totally mundane and pointless episode of the day. It’s not a good a story or anything, so there’s not much in it for you, but I need some moral guidance. Here goes:
So I’m outside my apartment building smoking a cigarette, and this guy comes up to me asking if I have a phone. He explains that he is supposed to meet a lady friend for dinner, but he’s not sure where she lives, and his phone has died. So I hand him my phone. He calls his friend, but there’s no answer.
The thing is, at this point I’m realizing that there’s something… strange about the guy. He won’t stop talking. He keeps asking me about what the neighborhood is like, whether it’s quiet or if there’s much noise or crime. He talks about his shoes and how he really shouldn’t be wearing sneakers to a dinner party. When I tell him about how the neighborhood is mostly quiet, but there’s some drug addicts around, he starts going on about how drug addicts are the ones who have a really hard time, more than regular people, and people don’t realize that, and blah blah blah.
He also just has that, I don’t know, undefinable “very drunk or high” thing going on. You know? That thing?
He’s perfectly nice, non-threatening and friendly. He’s not a bum or a creep. He’s just… off-kilter.
So he asks if he can send a text message to his friend instead, and then continues going on about how maybe I could meet him later and blah blah blah…
At which point I basically panic, and my priorities shift to: “This guy is weird and I don’t want to be his friend, he’s had his phone call, I’m buggering off”. So I take my phone and quickly excuse myself.
And now I’m kicking myself for not being nicer about it. I should have let him send the freaking text message. What would have been the harm in that? Or if he was just lost, I could have given him some directions. No reason for me to be an asshole about it.
On the other hand, part of me is also saying “Oh, fuck it.” If he hadn’t been high and acting strange, I wouldn’t have been such an asshole. He scared me off, is all. Surely, there are more important things that I should be beating myself up over.
So, set me straight. Should I just let this go, or am I right to continue torturing myself? Will this mess up my karma balance much? What is the proper penance? Are you usually nice to strangers who are acting drunk or high?