I watched The Terminator last night

I had high expectations for it. I had heard a lot of good things about it, and I love Arnold. So I expected a great action movie with time travel. But then I watched it and it was even better than I expected. I can not say enough about how much I like this movie. sehr cool, will definitely watch again.

So… You’ll be back (to watch it again)?

har dee har har

For a low budget early 80’s action movie, it holds up pretty well (even the cheesy soundtrack).

Have you seen Terminator 2?

It’s great as well.

No but I am gonna see Terminator 2 soon

And you should probably stop there.

The film was made on a tiny budget, even for 1984, and once you see Terminator 2, I think you’ll see what a bigger budget allows. Both of these films are excellent. And I’d also recommend Aliens as well, as it’s another excellent SF film by James Cameron.

Just skip over T2 and go straight to the third one. Terminator 3 is what Terminator 2 should have been.

Although I seem to be in the minority with this opinion.

/the only one with that opinion. :stuck_out_tongue:

(but seriously, don’t skip T2–it’s a bloody fantastic film).

I’ve had T3 on my shelf for years, but I’ve only watched it once. Since I haven’t seen it since I bought it, I don’t remember all that much about it. But I’m left with the impression that it didn’t suck.

I like both, actually.

Watch T2 and then stop. T2 is what T1 should have been.

I just saw this for the tenth time, but for the first time on Blu Ray. I LOVE this movie. I have no problem turning my suspension of disbelief up to 11 for this movie. Perfect role for Mr. Wooden Actor, too.

If I had a bazillion dollars I’d pay James Cameron to make an alternate ending where Sarah Connor gets blown away at the end…I can’t stand her character :slight_smile:

The Blu Ray disc skipped at my second-favorite line in the movie: “Come with me iff you vant to liff.” My favorite line is, “I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.” “Heh, heh, heh…you forgot to say please!”

I remember a contemporary interview with Schwarzenegger, either on Leno or Letterman, and they showed that clip.

Arnold: I really hate it when people put out cigars on my chest. It’s very rude.

Are you kidding me? I love Sarah Conner in T2. A badass female character who doesn’t absolutely have to have a romance. I mean, when she’s all dressed up in commando gear and shit? She looks fucking awesome.

Did they darken Arnold’s crotch for the DVD release? Not that I have any interest in penises, but ISTR the shot being more explicit on the big screen.

Correct me if I am wrong, but is this the one where they have the technology to send a human back from the future, but they couldn’t go thru public records beforehand (where I am sure their computers were far more advanced to what we even have today) and find the correct mother of the bad guy so Arnold looks in a phone book and goes to a house, rings the bell and shoots some poor innocent woman to death WHILE HER CHILD IS WATCHING because she might be the woman he is looking for?

I have hated that egotistical untalented asshole Arnold ever since I saw that disgusting scene and now he has helped fuck up our state because he thought it would be fun to be governor.

Is that the movie or am I mistaken?

Are you serious? I laughed reading this. Also: Don’t watch Revenge of the Sith.

That seen KICKED ASS!