I waxed my nose today

Well, technically I used one of those Bioré strips. I’ve used them in the past, and I had the same results then.

“it looks like a porcupine!”

Well, yes it does. But every single one of those bastards was just a tiny hair from my nose. I examined it very closely. Nothing but hairs. Grr…

Your nose is clean! At last! No more of that awkward licking!

Yeah, I never had much luck with those things either. It is pretty frustrating!! So then, of course, I have to go back to squeezing, but that just makes my nose red and runny, and mind you, I never really harvest anything of note. Sheesh!! Blackheads, 1, Girls, 0. :mad:

When I saw the tread title, I thought you meant the inside.

When I saw the tread title, I thought you meant the inside of your nose.

D’Oh! Figured I should clarify that, but didn’t realize it had already gone.