I will fly you (and you ALONE) to anywhere in the US. A few rules, however...

Let’s say I will pay your ticket for a ROUND TRIP to any city/place in the US (and then back again to where you live…or started from, at least).

I have four rules, though.

  1. You must already either live in the US, currently, or be in the US, currently.
  2. You can only go to another US city (Alaska and Hawaii are included).
  3. You must travel alone, just you, yourself. You’re not allowed to take anyone else with you.
  4. You can only stay in your city/place choice for THREE days, no more (and no less). What you do during that time is totally up to you. You will then have a ticket back (because the ticket was round trip, remember?).

You can use the time to visit family, friends, attend a dopefest, or just relax/hang out/see a state/place you have never seen before. It’s all totally up to you.

With those four rules in place, where would you like to go? What city or place would you want to go to and why?

Me, I’d want to go to New Jersey. Oceanside.

Kona, Hawai’i. I love the Big Island. I love scuba diving. I love sitting and watching the ocean. I might visit the volcano. I might just sit around and have nice people bring me drinks while I read books.

Maine. I’ve never been and I have romantic notions of that coastal lifestyle and want to see if it’d ever be worth moving out there. But, it’s rarely on sale from Minneapolis for less than $400 rt, so it seems unnecessary.

Hawaii. I was just talking about it this morning. I have been planning my Hawaii trip for over 20 years, and have never gone. This would force me to do it.

When will this travel be-- Do we get to choose?

LA. I want to visit friends there at the end of the year, and this would pay for my ticket! Whee!

Unless it’s first class, for 3 days? I’ll stay home thank you very much. Flying sucks.

Washington D.C.
Specifically, The Smithsonian.
Air and Space, Natural History, National Zoo.


I miss the ocean/Great Lakes terribly here in landlocked Colorado. I have also never been to Hawaii. I think combining the two for three blissful days on the beach would be heavenly.

Wow, so many places to choose from. I might pick Kauai, or Barrow or Nome or Wales Alaska. I’ve never been to any of those places.

The three day restriction really limits me… I am not going to spend almost 3 days traveling to and from HI from the East Coast to spend only 3 days there. My general rule of thumb about time traveled vs time at destination would limit me to a 3-4 hour flight from DC…

My first thought is NYC, because I always say I need to go, but then never do because it is close enough to go anytime. Second choice would probably be Charleston, SC.

Philadelphia, PA around June 2. I’ll catch the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum’s annual show in Reading, then stop in to see my sister in Lancaster. Let me know when you are ready to forward the ticket.

Same. Three days isn’t long enough to justify the travel anywhere, even in first class.

Why? :confused:

Phoenix. See my cousins, but mainly Grand Canyon for me.

Santa Fe, New Mexico. Because I’ve never been to New Mexico, and I hear Santa Fe is nice.

I would go to Vegas in September for a Toto concert friends from all over the US is attending. I’m not going because I can’t justify the expense this year. If I went somewhere else I’d be sad missing my family, but none of them want to go to Vegas. Plus it’s only a few hours by plane.

I wish this were for real. :smiley: I really want to go but nope, not this year. :frowning:

Alas I fail on point #1.

If I were back with family I would fly to a city where a particular medical test is available. It’s not available in my family’s city. Miami would work. Atlanta and Charlotte would be closer, too close to make flying worthwhile.

I’ll go to Barrow, Alaska.

I figure I’m less likely to make it there on my own than anyplace else in the country.

Key West when it isn’t too warm and humid in FLA. Maybe around the holidays. Just like to explore that whole area.