So I guess I'm coming to America (and other places)

I was told about this during my SDMB hiatus but I guess now is as good a time as any to announce it.

My parents are selling everything they own and going on a 3 month holiday to the US and possibly either Canada or Australia!

Ummmm, yay?

I don’t want this thread to be about my apprehensions. Like being technically homeless for 3 months. Or having to sell my car to pay my own way (Go, adulthood!) Or having my dog put down. Or the possibility my parents are planning to stay. :frowning:

So this thread is about advice and possible doper meetings. I know my parents are starting in FL. I hope to meet them after my exams in NY area, and then head over to the west coast and Australia (or possibly NZ) or north to Canada.

So help me make this the best darn trip ever, huh?


So when is all of this to take place huh? Are there any plans to hit Dallas, Texas? Remember we are already hitting spring temperatures of 85 degrees and it’s only February here.

Well considering that it’s been snowing here Dallas sounds like a treat!

::adds Dallas, TX to the wish list::

So what is the actual timetable for this trip? Are you driving from New York to the west coast or flying? If you’re driving, the western parts of both the U.S. and Canada offer plenty of best darn trip ever opportunities.

Tick: Whatever you do, convince your family to do a stopover in Chicago…especially if either of the 'rents are architecture buffs (river tour). Temps are fairly unliveable until April, though…April-June…bring a jacket at least.

As far as I know the parents will be driving from FL up to NY, and are definitely driving cross-country.

And totally forgot, this trip is from June-September roughly.

Drop in to Toronto! :slight_smile:


If you are heading for Dallas during these months, bring tank tops, shorts, sandles and lots of sun block! We are normally are hitting 100-115 during the summer. Make sure the car has AC otherwise you will pass out.

I grew up here, so the summer temps do not bother me one bit. It just gives me another excuse to put the top down on my car.
BTW…bratpack missess you!

…and tick missess bratpack.

I guess I should have made it a bit more clear that it’ll be me, my parents, and my 7 year old brother. Which probably means the holiday is going to be more orientated towards family (i.e. kid) stuff. I just wish I was old enough to rent my own car. :frowning:

Definitely put kittenlm and I down for a dinner get-together whenever you make the NYC area!

And me, too!

I like to invite myself places. :slight_smile:

Maybe I can make the NYC get together too.

Noooooo!!! You can’t leave me! :frowning:

I told you I’d pay for a ticket if you want to come.
I’m going home for the weekend to “discuss” some things with the 'rents. One of them will definitely be my attending a certain dinner get-together. :smiley:

Why do you have to put your dog down? Can’t a friend or family member take him while you’re gone? That would just kill me.


She is a very old Shih Tzu (about 15-16) and she’s pretty much on her last legs now (almost totally blind, going deaf). We do expect that she will die naturally before my family flies out. If not she just wouldn’t survive staying with anyone else and I know. I looked after her on my own for a week and she barely made it. Would just about eat and sleep and she’s my dog. She pines for my mother like crazy and I would rather know she died peacefully than of a broken heart. :frowning:

And I’ve told you, stop trying to give me money! :slight_smile:

Come on down to Houston, TX. You’ll love every minute you are here!

If you come during the summer, be prepared to sweat. Houston and New Orleans are the reason central air conditioning was invented :smiley:

We’ll probably plan a HouDope meeting and stuff you full of crablegs over at Joe’s.

So, they are selling your home etc? Are they emmigrating to NZ or Aus?

This is a huge change for you and your little brother! How is he with all this?

Sorry about your dog…

Have fun on your trip --but this is very unsettling (to me)–it’s one thing to travel (I don’t get to, enough) but to pull up stakes and not know where you are ending up…pioneer, I’m not!

Are you OK with this? What about school for your brother?
Stop by-I’m in Chicago, or near enough!