I wish I had a...

…wool covered toilet seat. Nothing is more disconcerting than sitting down on a cold toilet seat during winter :eek: Burrrrrrrr! Not the first thing you want to go thru when you first wake up of mornings.

…pound for the times I wished I had something, I’d be a very rich girlie. The I could go buy all the things I was wishing for.


…time machine, so I could go back a few months and keep my dog from getting run over by a truck. :mad:

Eew. Imagine how funky that would get.

You could always find something to solve the problem. The last time this page was updated was a while back, so I’m sure the prices have gone down. :smiley:

Skerri, who wouldn’t spend $700 on it, no matter how comfy it made her…

…personal Jedi love slave. Or a Ranger. John Doggett will do, however, if Obi-Wan and Qui-Gonn and Aragorn and Faramir are all busy…

Oh, and I wish I had a…

pair of Spongebob Squarepants toe socks. Don’t ask, I just think that would be cute.

Wrong thread??

I wish I had superpowers, that include, but are not limited to: invisibility, telekinesis, ESP, mind control, flying, super-strength, immortality, and of course underwater breathing…

a personality.

Or a ton of cash. Whichever.

…a Superman logo t-shirt or sweatshirt.

Money. That’s it. It would solve so many problems right now.

…giant cow. And a giant barbecue grill to boot.

Mooo! Yummm!

(almost forgot – a giant bottle of barbecue sauce!)

… clue. Or else a monkey. Mmm, monkeys.

…more wishes! Too greedy? How about World Peace? :smiley:

Nope, it’s a link to a thing that warms toilet seats for you… in reply to Obvious Guy not liking that cold cold ceramic first thing in the morning.

Oh, and I can guarantee Aragorn will be busy…
I’ll need him after I’ve worn out poor Qui-Gonn…

… cable modem, and cable service to go with it. Oh, and money to pay for it all.

…green dress

but not a real green dress, that’s cruel

Blow-up doll that actually moves in rhythm. No, I’m kidding… I actually prefer the ones who have no “flex”.

Seriously though, I think a heated toilet seat. It gets so chilly down there.

Also I’d like the central heating to be on computer, and so I could adjust the thermostat via keyboard in any room I wanted.

Slick thin clothes that are winterproof.

Ice cream-choclate with whipped cream and little choc-bits-on-top machine (no it doesn’t exist, at least not the one I’m looking for).

a sense of humour that people understood.:wink: