I won the Powerball!!!!!

… and nothing else.

Four bucks, baby! :cool:

Woohoo! Everybody–party at Leaper’s place!

Open bar, right?

Never mind.

The winning ticket was sold in Florida. My inlaws live in Florida. Obviously, I’m married to an heir to the powerball fortune!!! :smiley:

We had 10 tickets and nary a winner among them.

Meh - we’ve already cashed ours in. That four bucks got me a real cheap bottle of wine.

I can’t believe I blew it all already. When WILL I learn a sense of how to manage my riches??

My great plan was to borrow $176 million (plus a few extra bucks) to play every single combination and I would be a guaranteed winner!

Sadly, my bank would not float me the loan…I guess my credit is a tad low - and I wasn’t able to do this fool-proof plan!

…wait…someone else won? So, uh, I would have had to split the win? Hmm…that would cut into my profit somewhat…

On our ONE ticket, we got ZERO numbers.
Then again - we play one single set of numbers but buy in advance for the next 10 drawings…and seriously, we would be quite happy with “only” $40 million ($25.1 million cash) on the Wednesday game…I never understood people who only play when the jackpot gets up to some ridiculous amount. People were standing in line, outside in the desert, here on the Nevada/California border for NINE HOURS to buy tickets yesterday!!! Idiots!!!


Winner in Zephyrhills. At one point, I had four generations of my family living there and have visited there often since the late 1950s.

It is snowbird country and a fairly low income area. Very little industry and lots of ‘mobile’ homes. By now the snowbirds have all gone back north, so the odds are the winner will be a permanent resident - probably retired on a limited budget. I hope they get good legal help.

I live in Florida.

I must be both your inlaws, and the Powerball winner!

Nitpick: while there’s about 176 million combinations of numbers (59 C 5 * 35), each ticket costs $2. So you’d need to borrow $350,447,020 to play each combination!

Or maybe you meant you already had 176 mil in the bank, but needed to borrow the other half.

I find it hard to dispute your logic…
But, alas, it wasn’t my inlaws - they live in Ocala. Oh well…

I bought one ticket in the morning. Then, later that day a close relative wanted me to buy THEM a ticket.

And I was like “seriously if I win 600 fracking million dollars you’ll be able to pay your cable bill easily”. But no, they needed their own ticket. So, later that day I stopped off at the Quicky Mart and bought THEM one.

Interesting thing about it was…two tickets bought at two separate locations about 9 hours apart…and three of the random numbers were the same on both tickets.

And WTF would I do with 600 million? Buy a whole county in Georgia or Alabama?

You host a DopeFest to end all DopeFests!! :smiley:

So maybe I’m not your inlaws. But I could still be the winner, right?


I figured I’d bump this thread for… reasons. :slight_smile: (Or is that :P? Not sure…)

So, burning questions…

Have you spent it all yet?

Has it ruined your life?

I always wondered that too, but it makes more sense for office pools. Ten people pay $10 each and we get 50 numbers. That increases my chances of winning by 10 times and I will still left with a lot of money.

If it is “only” $40 million, by the time you split it with 2 other winning tickets (13.3M), take the lump sum reduction(8M), then split it 10 ways (800K), and then remove a little less than half in taxes, you are left with like $450K. Not something to sneeze at, but that won’t make me rich. That will buy an average house in the DC suburbs. I am in my 30s and will still have to drag myself out of bed and go to work everyday.

ETA: Nine hours is stupid though. That is hard to believe.

Worry the bottle Mamma, it’s grapefruit wine
Kick off your high heel sneakers, it’s party time…!
The girls don’t seem to care what’s on
As long as it plays till dawn
Nothin’ but blues and Elvis
And somebody else’s favorite song…

I never buy lottery tickets, but my parents do, and they won $100 this time around.


They also put scratch-off tickets in our Christmas stocking, and about 10% will have a $1 or $2 prize.

I got the powerball AND another number, and only got $4. WTF?