At a gathering this weekend some people were playing a game and I thought it was amusing. The challenge was to propose a person that would motivate the group to vote for Trump. To set some ground rules to make it a bit harder, the person had to:
[li]Be alive[/li][li]Not be a convicted felon[/li][li]Be eligible to become president (age >35, natural born citizen)[/li][li]Not be a politician[/li][/ul]
So this rules out people like Genghis Khan, Charles Manson, Honey Boo Boo, and Steve King in Iowa.
It was a tough game. Dog the Bounty hunter was a tough call, but then he was disqualified because of the felony thing.
I can envision a candidate worse than Trump. And if such a candidate were to run, and make it to the general, I would vote third party (or write-in, if need be), and then (presuming that the third party didn’t make it) would flee the country.
I forgot to add - for the thought exercise there are no third party or abstentions allowed. Fleeing is possible, but you still need to vote. Actually, the game was mostly about proposing people so the others can decide.
That was my thoughts as well. My call would be Kenneth Copeland. In every way as vile as Trump, but that extra seasoning of dominionism.
In that case no I wouldn’t wuss out and vote third party. If the only viable candidates on the ballot are Trump or worse than Trump, then I will patriotically vote the lesser of two evils, followed by a two hour shower and an evening of binge drinking.
In your “not be a politician” clause, is that limited to “have held elected office ever”, or does it include “has ever been employed in a government role at some level”?