How can you stand in front of a TV camera, and mouth the words to a song you sang fifteen years ago, and expect anything other than clap…clap…clap…. You’re an irrelevance. Piss off. Go away. Leave us alone In case you hadn’t noticed, you exceeded your fifteen minutes. Please return them. Etc.
Yeah, he’s living off the Stone Roses. He has had some pretty good songs in his solo career (Corpses, Dolphins were Monkeys), but the majority of his work is shit, which isn’t helped much by his cannabis-wrecked voice.
His first song tonight (Longsight M13?) was impossible to make out. He played a full set of Roses songs the other week at a gig, which managed to piss virtually everyone who went off :roll:
(Although I’m inclined to point out that Holland himself possibly requested the Stone Roses song, it’s not as if Brown hasn’t got enough songs from his solo career to sing).
Too bad he and John Squire don’t get along anymore. Squire hasn’t had a whole lot to show for his post-Roses career, either.
Well, since we’re giving him a kicking I’ll join in (any excuse ). I’ll admit that the Roses had a few good tunes : “Waterfall” and ,er, some others, but I could never separate the music from Ian Brown’s moronic and apparently fairly repellent personality. I had a similar problem with Shaun Ryder. Oh dear…!