IBM Thinkpad Driver help

I’m building images for some IBM laptops and am having some problem with the T23 Model 2647-4MG.

When I put the display drivers on 3 new devices popped up.

-ThinkPad LCD 1024x768
-ThinkPad TV

I can’t for the life of me find drivers for these things. Is there something I’m missing?

Win2000 BTW.

Any help would be appreciated.

The drivers for the screen/LCD should be bundled in the OS and choosing 1024x768 generic laptop screen should satisfy the demand for the driver. I don’t know what “Thinkpad TV” other than possibly a built in television tuner but I really doubt a laptop would have this so it’s probably something else.

You may also want to try this

TP A2*, A30/p, A31/p, T2*, T3, T30, X2*, TransNote - Windows installation supplement files for Windows 2000 - Applicable countries/regions - Worldwide - Description - This package contains some supplement files to solve the conflicts or problems for Microsoft Windows 2000.

Cheers. That link satisfied the -ThinkPad LCD 1024x768. I’m going through all the 2000 drivers one by one.