Id a movie 'prop coin' from description

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I recently saw the movie Intruder in the Dust (1949) on TCM. Early in the movie, the kid (Claude Jarman Jr., from “The Yearling”) attempts to pay his host for his meal. Host (Juano Hernandez) refuses payment, and the kid drops some coins on the floor. The one coin that is partially visible has the wording “Lucky [and something unreadable]” at the top and “Success to You” at the bottom. In the center, there’s some object that appears to be a ship, maybe? And judging from the lighting, the ship (or whatever it is) is in rather high relief.

Could possibly be that these were just ‘good luck’ medals or something like it. Anyone???

Was it this?

Thanks! That’s it! Ha! It even mentions the movie!

Glad to help. I guess your ship…

[dons sunglasses]

…just came in.