ID this melody

I wanted to avoid having to ask this, as I usually manage to figure these things out on my own, but I’m completely stumped this time.

There is a car commercial playing here that has this simple melody playing on it, which sounds desperately familiar to me.

I have made a midi file via the Melodyhound website which is pretty close, though I’m not very musical so it might be better if you listen to the original ad - the Honda Accord Euro Tourer ad linked from here.

It’s just a simple tune, and it sounds like it’s only a small part of a much larger song, but then I may be misremembering even that.

Can anyone help?

Sure sounds a whole lot like this (the opening part that is, repeated several times).

ArchiveGuy’s got it.

Doggone, Archive Guy, you’re right. It does! And that’s probably exactly what it is!
