I may be sending you on a wild-goose chase, in that it’s possible that I just dreamed this, but if I did I’ve had the impression it’s a scene in a movie I saw. At the time, it puzzled me, in that I didn’t understand what was going on.
Here’s what I remember:
I was about 10, so this movie came out in theaters around 1963. OTOH, I could have been as young as 8 or as old as 12, I suppose.
the movie was black and white, I think.
It wasn’t for kids. It was, I think, a war movie, set in Italy during the second World War.
As I remember it, a lot of Italians were living in crowded conditions, and their town was under attack. These could have been partisans, or Mussolini supporters, or almost anything, but I think they were sympathetic to the American war effort.
at some point, a woman with a baby had to feed her baby, in this crowded room, and she bared her breast and stuck his face in it. Nothing too sensational, but I was all “What the hell is THAT?” and then the scene was over, and the war picture resumed.
Any ideas what I saw? Or what I dreamt?