Identify this critter please

I killed this in my bathroom this morning. At first glance it looks like a spider, but upon closer inspection I suspect that it is some kind non-spider arthropod. It seems to have pincers though that could be an illusion.

I took a bunch of pictures and this was the best I could get. The digital camera had a hard time focusing on something so small.

Your link does not work for me.

Possibly a whipscorpion of some kind. (You need to fix the slashes in your link.)

Yep, I’ll second the whip scorpion…thats a baby…If you see more than 4 of those little guys, you got yourself an infestation. At least that’s what our Orkin man in AZ said to us when we found them…

Also known as a “Vinagaroon”. Here’s some further info.

What a cool little critter! How big do they get? The one that LaterComer killed was quite small. Here’s a fix to his/her link.

I couldn’t see the ‘whip’ tail in the OP’s picture - could it be a pseudoscorpion?

Y’know, you are absolutely correct! From that photo, it is most likely a pseudoscorpion.

These are excellent with a some olive oil, arugula and spinach leaf.

we were clearing out a woodpile in my backyard years ago and found one. We put it in a mason jar, and a cricket there just to see what would happen. Putting the jar in the BBQ grill to keep it dark and cool, an hour later there was a fizzy mess where the cricket used to be.

Thanks for the info. I think it looks more like the pseodoscorpion and also the page about vinegarroons states that they live in the southwest and I live in Pennsylvania.

I should also point out that the body is very flattened and the pictures of pseudoscorpions look thicker, though I’d suppose there are different species.

I see that Mangetout’s picture is also flattened. Thanks.

Sorry about the problems with the link. It worked fine for me on preview. Really it did.

It worked fine for me, too.

It seems I shouldn’t be concerned about having these in my house, they’re pretty common and even beneficial, feeding on other bugs. I just wonder how much they can eat at that size.

It also seems that they even have their own newsletter!

Wow, they have there own internet access.

Mangetout did you know that from AD&D monster manuals? I saw it and though pseudoscorpion, about 4 HD non poisonous but good AC.

A sandking, obviously!