For some unknown reason, when I use IE5 now, I can no longer listen to any internet radio stations. I get a pop-up box that says “access denied”. Across the title bar of the box it says Windows temp internet files. I haven’t made any changes to my security settings or anything else. I neverh ad this problem before I downloaded IE5.5. I am NOT using IE5.5 now. I used Goback and got completely rid of it, going back to IE5.01, but the problem persists with the radio stations. I have deleted all my cookies and emptied the cashe and deleted the temp files, to no avail. Any ideas?
FWIW, if I use Nutscrape, I don’t have the problem, I just don’t like Netscrape.
I haven’yt had that problem, but then again I didn’t upgrade to 5.5. However, I have another 5.0 weirdness question (I don’t intend this as a hijack, just a piggy back)
At work all the browsers have had their homepage reset to the 5.5 Upgrade page. We can reset it to our preferred homepages, but the first time we reboot, the homepage is set again tio the 5.5 Upgrade page.
I assume this is an agressive advertising tactic by Microsoft, but it’s irritating as all hell. Does anyone know a way to circumvent this? Or know if Microsoft intends to give us back the ability to set our homepage?
IE5.5 kept freezing up. With GoBack, it reverts your harddrive the way it was in the past, so it is as if IE5.5 was never there. So, no real need to reinstall it. What little I actually used 5.5, I didn’t have any problem keeping it at the homepage I normally use. The only time I ever saw the “welcome” page or whatever they called it was the first time I used 5.5. If nothing else, I may try the repair option, but only as a last resort.
Here’s another thing new to this wierdness. Everytime I click on submit or enter my password, it pops up with a box the says it might be dangerous to send info on the internet. I checked the box that says don’t show it again, but WTF is going on?
Actually the problem we’re having is with the 5.0 version. Microsoft is trying to convince us, with this little tactic, to upgrade to 5.5 (though the word of mouth so far is horrible for 5.5)
Hey, tomorrow I’ll talk to our internet staff and find out if they know what’s going on with your “access denied” prolem. One guy is pretty familiar with the ins and outs of browser and may know how to fix it.
I had a problem similar to yours a while back. My homepage had been changed to Windows Update, and no matter how many times I changed it, every time I started IE it started on Windows Update.
I finally figured out that the program Windows Update was masquerading as the IE symbol on my Quick Launch taskbar. It had the IE symbol as the icon, but when clicked it started Windows update instead which would connect me to the internet (making me think I had started IE) and displayed the Windows Update webpage. Changing the homepage made no difference because I wasn’t actually starting Explorer, I was starting Windows Update instead.
What I did to fix it was to delete the ‘IE’ icon from quick launch taskbar. Then I went to Start Menu/Programs and located Internet Explorer and made a new shortcut. Then I drug(dragged?) the new shortcut to the taskbar where I wanted it.
I don’t know if you are in the same situation, but you might try starting IE from the Start menu and see if it starts on your desired start page. If it does, I’d be willing to wager that you have the same problem - the ‘Update’ program is opening IE (and making you think you have opened IE)
but is only USING IE to get to the Update webpage.
Does this make any sense? It sounds confusing to me, and I wrote it…
When you change the start page IE must store this info somewhere for future reference. On a windows machine this place is called the registry and contains all kinds of data that applications need to work properly. Since this is happening at work its possible your system administrator has denied you the rights neccesary to change it.
Oh my paranoid friend. If you take a look in Tools->Internet Options->Advanced->Browsing you’ll find a check box that tells IE whether or not to check for IE updates.
Venture at your own risk:
Press Start, then Run…
Type in RegEdit.exe
Note: if this fails you have been locked out by your SA; you’ll hafta take it up with him.
In the treeview on the left click/expand the following nodes: HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software ->Microsoft -> Internet Explorer -> Main
In the right pane you should have a long list of variables. Scroll down and find “Start Page”. You will probably find the IE Update page URL.
Double-click ‘Start Page’. You should get an edit screen. Type in the URL you want.
In the tool bar at the top choose Registry -> Exit.
Note: Again, if this fails, you’ve been blocked by SA.
Since this is happening at work its possible your system administrator has denied you the rights neccesary to change it.
It’s possible, but I don’t think it’s likely. Mainly because I just started working in the intranet department and one of the top priorities convincing employees to set their home page to the company’s intranet. I’ll have to knock some sys admin heads if I find they have sabotaged our efforts.
If only I had a nickle for everytime I was called paranoid…
I did try unclicking “Check for Updates” and it didn’t work.
Now, this I haven’t tried. I’ll give it a shot first thing in the morning.
threebunnymama You explanation sounds extremely logical (and likely). I’ll check all my quickstart shortcuts in the morning.
I’d give reinstalling Windows Media Player and IE – update them again off from the website.
Goback is supposed to change all files back to the way they were before the changes, but Goback is not a perfect program. I wouldn’t trust it.