If gradeschool kids teased you about your username, they'd call you...

Everybody knows kids are cruel. Especially with each others names.
What do you think they’d call you now?
Feel free to pick on others (only in good fun now kids)

I’ll start.
seriousart = seriousFart (too easy, huh?)

dpr=diaper (no offense, just tryin to get the ball rolling…:slight_smile: )

My username was a gradeschool tease name… (not based on my name… but thats another story…

What would be a good taunt of a taunt? Heck, I don’t know… kinda surreal though.


My middle name is Enright. Growning up I was called (obviously) "Out-Wrong, or (not so obvious) [Dudley] Doright.

Mebbie “Wonko The Bonko”? I just don’t know.

I never got teased about my real name when I was in school and I can’t think of anything for my username either. Feel free to think up something for me though! I don’t mind a little teasing.

Back in my days, we were sweet (and also afraid we’d get a swat by Mr. Reker), so no one would dare say it, but I have no doubt that the worldy children of today would be taunting “Cunt-it Sleeza” or something equally ridiculous.

Or, for tamer kids, maybe “Punt-it Lisa.”

For me, how about “Cross Dresser”

(You figure it out!)

Not exactly a play on words, but a tease on my name none the less. Where I grew up, kids picked on me all the time and had some doosies for me.

Hey, I’m Satan.

Fuck with me and I’ll pluck your eyes out, stick a toothppick through them, garnigh my martini with it and eat it.

Hmm… Okay, I guess I’d be called Satin. But that’s lame anyway… :wink:

Yer pal,

Three months, one week, four days, 10 hours, 39 minutes and 40 seconds.
4097 cigarettes not smoked, saving $512.22.
Life saved: 2 weeks, 5 hours, 25 minutes.

I think I’ll let Coldfire handle this one for me. Mold-for-Hire? Care to field this one?

If I was a girl, I’m sure it would be “can I eat you?” :D:D
But darn it, I’m not a girl. :(:frowning:

Since grade school kids are great when it comes to alliteration and rhyming, I have to think Masterbator would be involved somehow.

Oh there are so many possibilities for mine.

Rachelle, I think one possibility for your name is Rachelle Rat Tail. It rhymes…kinda.

As long as we’re sharing real life tauntngs, I was called “gaybird” from third grade until starting junior high.

Well, mine would be Chrispy Critter.
Hey Swiddles, do you mind if I take poke at your?




That’s why I picked AWB, so you wouldn’t tease me! :smiley:

The “B”, of course, stands for my last name: Berkoff. Try living with that name through 12 years of public school.

Funny story: I was meeting several of my future in-laws the Christmas before I got married. To explain the spelling of my last name to her aunt, my wife said, “It’s like ‘jerkoff’ with a ‘B’.” Later, we were having dinner at this aunt’s house when her husband came home. He came over to the table, and my future aunt-in-law introduced me. “Jim, this is Val’s fiance, Tony Jerkoff.”

Needless to say, she turn a zillion shades of red. :D:D

Uhhh… little Bitch???

For you, anytime, SquickingTriplets :smiley:

Mold-for-Hire? Hmmm… personally, I’m still partial to the anagram Clod Rifle, which might be considered an insult of some sort.

Mine would probably involve a popular ethnic slur dealing with the Hebrew race.

Gay Poopski, I’m sure.


Maybe the meaner kids would call me FlimmyNipples.

If they’ve been to the Rainforest Café, they can tease me with the name of a (very yummy) menu item: RastaPasta :smiley: