If I could just have a tiny moment of silence

for a tiny little person and his/her mom. I’ll never know which.

A friend of mine was in the WTC this morning. She was pregnant. She didn’t survive.

To Mary:

Hey, girl. It’s been awhile since your last e-mail and I didn’t get around to responding. See, I’ve been so busy all summer and then I went on vacation and then school started and… well, I just haven’t written back.

And now it doesn’t matter.

Now I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to hear that you made it through your first trimester and decided to share your news. You wanted to have your first baby before grad school; this would have been your “Year of the Child.”

I can’t tell you how pleased I was that you were accepted to grad school. You were one of the better students; you graduated with honours. Grad school would have been easy for you.

I can’t gloat and say “I told you so!” when you thought that you wouldn’t get in to your school of choice, of course you did! You were so smart and so creative; how could you not be accepted?

I can’t tell you again that your stupid puns drive me nuts. You always liked the corniest jokes and you loved to share them “just to see the expression of pain” on my face.

I’ll never see those wedding pictures, I’ll never meet your husband, I’ll never see your baby. You hoped for a girl; I’ll never know if that hope was realized.

You were a friend, a good study partner, a decent person. I’ll never be able to say that to you.

And it doesn’t matter anymore and I can’t stop crying.

Oh, honey… grabs you close for a big hug, just holding you while you cry, and my tears mingle with yours

I am so sorry. But what is so bad is your story echoes so many others. Our prayers are with you.

I’m sorry.

I’m so sorry… I would give you my shoulder to cry on if you were here, xcheopis.

I am so, so sorry.

There’s really nothing else I know to say except that

I’m so sorry. I wish I could help somehow.

I’m sorry, xcheopis. May you find the strength you need at this dark hour.

Thanks for the kind thoughts.

I’d like to magnify them all, put them in an aerosol container, and spread some comfort to everyone who’s had family and friends killed today. I, too, wish that I could help.

xcheopis: I’m so sorry that your friend , in all her future joy and promise, is gone. Under the circumstances, Rail, and Yell, and Yowl. This ain’t supposed to be so. And then remember her with all your heart.

It’s all wrong. I’m so sorry for the pain you must feel right now. Best heart thoughts…

silence, only broken by sobs

i feel for you, i really do. hug it’s terrible to have a friend die. i wish there was more i can do, but all i have for you is condolences, so i hope you accept them.

There really is nothing I can say.

I’m so, so very sorry.

Dear pucelle, I am astounded and in pain. I feel I’ve only just met you but I wish I could give you a large hug right now. I have tears in my eyes as I write. my thoughts are with you and carnie too,Redboss

xcheopis, I’m so sorry.

There’s nothing else I can say. Just “I’m sorry.” That’s pretty pathetic…

So, so sorry.

xcheopis, my thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

Fucking hell. Sorry to hear about it, xcheopis.

i am so very sorry, xcheopis.

I’m sorry, xcheopis. :frowning:

Is there absolutely no hope; has she been positively identified? This morning they are finding some survivors, according to the morning news.