If it quacks like a duck...

It echoes.

Not that I would ever doubt Cecil, but I just want to confirm that I have indeed heard the echo of a duck’s quack.

At this time of year, the mallards on the river often come downtown to spend the night under parking lot trees. This morning when I got to work, there was a female mallard quacking it up in a courtyard between two of the buildings. Perfect acoustics!

I wonder what is the origin of the quacks<>echo legend, anyway?

Your brain-in-a-jar,

Imbibo, ergo sum.

L.M. Boyd, the font of all misinformation.

Karen Lingel, Physicist

I forgot to mention that in the lastest L.M. Boyd column in the SF Chronicle, Boyd claims that owls, turkeys, and hawks don’t echo either.

Karen Lingel, Physicist