If only he were a REAL boy....

Last night, I was reading the Wild Card series by George RR Martin and the thought came to mind “If Croyd Crenson were real, I’d do him in a heart beat.” Of course, that made me curious to know what fictional characters got other Doper’s blood boiling.

Who would you hop into bed with if they walked out of the pages of your favorite book?

Here’s some IMHO threads that may enlighten you.

For the Shakespearean fetishes, dial 1-900-2BNOT2B
For innocent crushes on literary characters, dial 1-877-2FNCUTE
And for the sexiest characters and no crdeit card needed, dial 011-24-HOT-LIT-SLUTS[sub] International rates apply[/sub]


Just off the top of my head…

From the Liaden Universe novels:
Val Con or Daav yos’Phelium
Shan yos’Galan

From The Sacred Hunt/Sun Sword novels:
Stephen of Elseth
Kallandras of Senniel

Vlad Taltos from Steven Brust’s Jhereg novels

Singer from Deathgift

Damn. I knew there was a reason I hated not having the “search all forums” option.

sigh So much for originality. This isn’t a good portent for the next 1000… :mad:

Crunchy, thanks. :slight_smile: So do you dial up my thread on those rainy, lonely nights, when your hand and the centerfold of Playfrog isn’t enough?

Croyd? Damn. I can’t remember which one Croyd was. What were his powers? It’s been too many years since I read that series…

I wouldn’t do Chrysalis, though. Even if she weren’t dead.

Speaking of George R.R. Martin, I would do Ma Spider from Tuff Voyaging. What a butch!

In a more heterosexual (sort of) vein:

Also speaking of George R.R. Martin, I would have done Vincent from the Beauty and the Beast tv series, albeit very carefully and (unlike Catherine) with birth control and a large pair of nail clippers. Hey, my girlfriend always cut her nails first, so why shouldn’t he?

I would have done either Atemis Gordon or James West from the old Wild Wild West tv series (not the movie), although I would definitely lean toward Artemis. I’m a sucker for a sidekick.

I would have done Yellow Belmont/Yellow Dancer, the transvestite freedom fighter/singer from the Japanese cartoon series Robotech: The Next Generation or, more accurately, Mospeada.

In Jane Eyre, Jane or Mr. Rochester? Tough call. Probably Rochester.

Literary characters are tough, since I like soft science fiction and fantasy so much. I mean, hobbits are great, but not exactly sexy. Lazarus Long? Ick! Michael Valentine Smith? Creepy, no matter how good at sex he’s supposed to be. Thomas Covenant in The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson might be interesting, if he were not either impotent, sobbing, or busy raping a 15 year old at the time. You can see the dilemma! Hmmm. Foamfollower the Giant (same series) would be great, if he weren’t so damned big.

Princes Benedict and Julian from Roger Zelazny’s Amber Chronicles.

Oh, yeah. I bet I could make 'em smile. :smiley:

Croyd is The Sleeper. For some reason, he just pushes my buttons. Dunno why, but… DAY-YUM!!!

Arden, honey, I bet you could make anyone smile! :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: - Q.E.D. :wink:

Benedict AND Julian? Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum…

I’ve not found any of the women of Amber that interesting. [sub](OTOH, a real-life woman of Amber…)[/sub] Possibly excepting Random’s (blind) wife. Beautiful, intelligent & insightful, warm & sweet, gentle & noble… :: Peers back up the thread :: Yes, as a matter of fact, that DOES remind me of some people I know…

Of course, Heinlein writes sexy female characters.

Hey, wait… Think I’m gonna have to go with Dejah Thoris, the Princess of Mars. Fully nude, red-tinted skin, ya gotta love them Barsoom girls. Plus she appreciates us guys that are tall, well-muscled, chivalrous, good with a sword…

Seriously, aren’t any of you ladies* interested in John Carter?

*[sup]If you want an insight into my mind, here’s a hint - I’ve got the most Freudian typos known to man. I began spelling this word ‘laid-ies’.[/sup]:rolleyes:

Yeah, baby! :smiley:

Going for overkill are we, dear??? :wink:

And his male characters aren’t half bad, either. As a matter of fact, I’d do most of his characters of either sex!

And this is supposed to surprise us how???

Hmmmm, I would do

Eowyn in a heartbeat. (LotR)
Susan StoHelit (Diskworld)
Erma Felna (Erma Felna)
Duenean Knute (Appleseed)
Paks (Deed of Pakasinarian)
Alicia DeVries (Paths of the Fury)

Speaking of Croyd Crenson ever hear about how at two chicago worldcons ago (I think) George R.R. Martin was on an elevator and a woman got on wearing a name badge that said ‘Hi, I’m Croyd Crenson’. He had a bit of a double take there.

Tygr, I am still waiting for a gentleman captain from Virginia to sweep me off my feet. And may I add, like Deejah Thoris, I will fight at his back and by his side–chivalry does not mean chauvinisim.

I’m partial to several of the Princes of Amber, so let’s just say Corwin and Randon–unoriginal, but it’s late. Vlad Taltos is another definite, and let us not forget Morrolan–to bed a Dragon, it would be interesting, no?

But above them all, my fantasy heart belongs to Coren of Sirle from The Forgotten Beast of Eld and if I did not have to get up in the morning to go to work, I would wax lyrical about him, but alas, I need my sleep.

And TruePisces, your topic may not be original, but for those of us who did not participate in the other threads, or like to re-visit the subject, it is timely. Unless one of the threads is active at the moment, I don’t know why people have to point out that a subject’s been done. It’s never the same twice.