Let’s say Earth is going to be hit by a meteorite large enough to wipe out civilization as we know it and we have exactly one week left.
First of all, would you want to know about it if there was advance warning? Or would you rather remain oblivious until the last few seconds?
If you did find out, what would you do in the last seven days?
I don’t think I’d want to know. A few seconds of terror sounds a lot better than seven days of pure hell.
However, if I DID have advance warning I think I’d spend every waking moment of my last seven days with my family and friends. There’s also a few things on my “Things to do before I Die” list that I would try and do, although those things would seem sort of trivial in light of the entire world coming to an end…
I sure as hell wouldn’t make my next car and house payments!
I would definately want to know. Because otherwise I might end up just sitting around or something for those last 7 days. Although I agree that a few seconds of terror sounds better than seven days of pure hell.
If I did know, I would probably just go visit all my relatives, or atleast call them. There are some things that are on my to do list before I die, one of which is Sky-Dive, well… who’s going to be working to take me up and tell me how to do it? No one in their right mind would go to their job if we had a week left.
I’d probably just try to enjoy the last few days doing something that I love… hangin with my friends and family
If the whole world knew it would be utter chaos. If only I could know, I think I would eat a whole lot of bacon for every meal.
I would take the week off from work and spend the time with my family and I would try to finnish writing my novel.
I think I would like to know. Then, I’d try and spend as much time as possible with family friends, pick up old threads, sort out old arguments and such like. I’d try and write as much as possible, even though nothing would survive.
Either I’d go on a pilgrimage to the site of the celestial hammer for a quick and spectacular death or take my cat and one other person to the safest possible place to survive and recreate the ashes and cinders in my image. Once I’m god-emperor I’d make my cat senator.
Ain’t that the truth. Nobody would give a crap. Police wouldn’t spend their last 7 days maintaining the law. Sitting at home would probably be the best bet (after a trip to loot a grocery store). :rolleyes:
Well, I would spend the first couple days throwing together a large self-sustaining habitat, basing it around a nuclear sub (this would be the most difficult step.), find a couple of my good friends, and all my female friends to get inside it, and then welding a large, thick steel plate to the bottom of it. Then I would just use the nukes from the sub to Project Orion the thing into orbit, to wait till its safe.
I don’t know. If everyone knew, the world would be complete and total chaos. If only I knew, the burden of looking at everyone and knowing they (and I) would be dead in a week - and knowing it for seven days - would be harsh. I think I’d go for oblivion until the last few seconds.
What would I do if I knew and there was no way to stop it?
Call up the ex who was so bad for me - but the sex was so good - and get together with him. It’s not as if I’d have to be stuck with him for long. And basically do whatever I wanted during that time. grumble sure wouldn’t still be working on this paper.