If you could change an enemies email signature...

…what would you change it to?

I’m considering ‘Per Texas state law I am legally required to include in all personal electronic communications notification that I am a registered sex crime offender.’

Or maybe ‘I like poo-poo.’

What do you think?

“The spirit of Hitler is my guiding force. The Mein Kamph is my bible”

“PS - I hate you”

“By the way, the above post is complete horseshit, and if I had a chance I would molest your children with garden tools.”


Hmm, these are all very good, not sure which one I should use…

I could probably cycle through a few of them, over a few days. It would take a while for them to figure out what’s going on.

For one specific person: “Don’t believe I word I type. I’m only attempting to stir up a shitload of trouble. Anything that is true is taken completely out of context.”

“Please visit my homepage - http://www.vampireofparis.com/

“Please feel free to include me in any mailing list you feel appropriate. I’m especially drawn to bestiality and scat.”


their real name, address, and phone number.

“I have deep-seated inferiority complexes with regard to my intelligence, ability to interact maturely with others and general personal hygiene. Justifiably so, as it turns out.”
“I like to watch dogs eat their poop”

Nico Claux is one wacky person, Badtz Maru. Oddly interesting but still a freak.

My enemies email signature would say, “I like to hurt things less powerful than me, especially puppies.”

I like to think that none of my enemies are smart enough to understand e-mail.

John Smith
Proud member of NAMBLA since 1995!