If You Could Pick Where and Who You Are Born To

What would your parents be on the following:

Would they be rich, middle class or poor?

Would you want them to give you money(if you picked rich)?

Would they be famous?

Would they be conservative or liberal?

Would they live in America or some where else?

Would they let you stay up past 10pm when you were 9?

What would your parents be on the following:

Would they be rich, middle class or poor?

Mm…upper middle

Would you want them to give you money(if you picked rich)?

Maybe a bit…

Would they be famous?

No, because that would stunt my growth and make me grow up to hate and one day murder them. That’s oversimplifying, but I wouldn’t wanna risk all that resentment and pent up rage. Knowing me it would happen.

Would they be conservative or liberal?

Liberal. As they are now.

Would they live in America or some where else?

I’d like to say somewhere in Europe, that’s more interesting.

Would they let you stay up past 10pm when you were 9?

Hell yeah. I think my parents did back when I was nine…

What would your parents be on the following:

Would they be rich, middle class or poor?

** Rich **

Would you want them to give you money(if you picked rich)?

** only if I asked for it **

Would they be famous?

**not at all. I want all their richness to be self-made. **

Would they be conservative or liberal?

** definately liberal… my parents are FAR to conservative… **

Would they live in America or some where else?

** Same place that I live now. **

Would they let you stay up past 10pm when you were 9?

** Damn Skippy! **

They’d be filthy stinking rich, and generous to a fault (at least with respect to spoiling me rotten). I don’t much care whether they’d be liberal or conservative, just so long as they didn’t try to foist their beliefs on me (as my real parents have not done). We’d live in some warm climate such as Arizona, southern Florida, or Hawaii. And I’d be able to go to bed when I wished, as was true in my real life. Did I mention they’d be really rich?