If you ever wanted a little supernatural mixed in with your Yellowstone, I've got the show for you! -- Outer Range

Am I the only one who had a hard time telling each of the two sets of brothers apart?

I’m beginning to think of it as how the Tardis was sometimes portrayed as: it puts you where it decides you need to be.

Trust fund is easy. Go back on time with knowledge from the future, some tables of stock prices, heck even oil and mineral sites if high yield, and more, and discretely making lots of money in a fund is not so hard. Use that knowledge of future events to create a quasi religious cult and getting some wealthy converts to sign up with generous funding also not hard to imagine.

But why did Autumn not remember being Amy? Rebecca and Royal have no similar amnesia.

Are there alternate time lines or can time be changed or is this another bootstrap paradox in which the efforts to change things are what cause things?

I got the impression that his arrival–or someone’s arrival–was expected. There were some big time displays showing 00:00:00.0 (or something like that), as if they had been counting down and had just reached zero. The whole setup also had a “Close Encounters” vibe, as if a large group of people, including military, scientists, and other hangers-on had assembled there in preparation for a known event. How they knew something would happen at that time is unknown, but presumably they had a number of years to research the time goo and learn its properties.

I guess I enjoyed it overall, but I had some serious issues:

  • No one tells anyone anything, no matter how crucial the information.
  • Everyone is psychotically violent. Even grandma decides to shoot the bear instead of fleeing in her truck.
  • Everyone seems to behave as stupidly as possible at all times, always doing the worst possible thing (usually involving violence).

Yeah yeah, this is nothing new. Movies and shows have done this stuff since forever for dramatic tension. But can’t just one person act rationally for once? Even the sheriff lady is irrational–she’s way too casual about the coroner’s report (even if we as the audience know better). Her boss was right to chew her out about that.

Agreed. I guess it had the effect of throwing me off the trail, thinking that the hole had some rules to it. But that doesn’t seem to be the case.

I’m really slow on the uptake sometimes. It was only after reading this thread that I started getting Dark vibes.

Nice. Looks like they’re really laying out some of the deeper mysteries now. Looking forward to it.

Wow thanks. I already wrote this one off to being cancelled.

Sadly multiple years between seasons has become the standard now, it is getting ridiculous.

All seven episodes of season two have been released today.


Two comments:

  1. This show was confusing enough watching its first season; watching it after this long of a hiatus? Sorry that recap did not help enough. And I am not rewatching last season first!

  2. I am not so ambitious but I wish someone did the Fallout thing for this show, to discuss one episode at a time. I do prefer the one ep per week with maybe start or finish two ep drops to whole season drops. Speculation along the way with others is part of the fun with a show like this!

I re-watched Season 1’s final episode to prep for the new season and I was still lost throughout much of the first episode of Season 2. Maybe it’ll clear up in a bit.

I had (almost literally) slogged through the first season and got totally lost about what was going on. So I doubt I’m going to bother watching Season 2.

It was so long since season 1 that I had forgotten that I didn’t actually like the show very much (but didn’t dislike it enough to stop watching). Like others mentioned, 2x01 was a difficult watch. (And confusing–I remembered season 1 ending in Protagonist Guy falling through the hole into the future where he was surrounded by the military, scientists, and angry townsfolk but I had forgotten that he jumped back in the hole.)

Actually I think I like it? S2Ep1 seen so far.

But dang. For Dark I needed the whole convoluted family tree/timeline to keep myself from being completely overwhelmed; I’m not wanting to have to go that way again.

Minor complaint:


young adult Royal is way too muscle massive to match up with the Brolin Royal.