If you registered Wed., 4/12, you're hosed

Jerry, computer genius #1 at SD World HQ, made a booboo. The following users, who posted between 1 p.m. Wed., 4/12 and 11 a.m. Thurs., 4/13, are now toast and must re-register. First three letters only so as not to tempt comedians:



Ed Zotti wrote

I assume you mean “who registered”.

If it is posted, I must be toast; what does that mean?

Hey guys, look at me! I think I caught Ed Zotti in a misprint!

Oh, eat shit. Registered. If you registered yesterday, you’re hosed.

Ed - you crack me up! ROFLMAO

You know what? I posted the OP, then I went out to pick up the kids at school. And halfway there I start thinking, cheezit, what if billiehunt thinks I honestly, truly want him/her to eat shit? So when I got home I ran upstairs to post something saying I was just kidding! It was an affectionate vulgarity, no offense intended! So when I saw Missy’s post, I thought, whew.

I swear to God, I am not making this up.

So has Cecil written a column on coprophilia? If not, I’ll start typing up my question right now!

Ed, it’s not billie, dammit. Don’t you read your own MPSIMS?

That’s it; I’m calling my lawyer. Where’s Bricker?
Hmmmm, in the interest of absolute clarity (I think there’s a real need for that recently), I’m not calling my lawyer, I really don’t care how you spell my name, I took the initial comment in the spirit it was intended, and I have no official affiliation with Bricker.

And I do feel for you in these trying times, Ed. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean.

Bill E., that thread was in the Pit, not MPSIMS. And I think whenever Ed heads over to the Pit, he gets distracted by other matters.

Quick, one of you unregistered lurkers register under the name “Dave Barry” and bother Ed about “stealing intellectual property”! :wink:

Note: Kat does not truly advocate impersonating Mr. Barry on this message board.

Your Official Cat Goddess since 10/20/99.

I just washed my cat. It’ll take me hours to get the hairs off my tongue.
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** And I do feel for you in these trying times, Ed. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. ** :smiley:

I had * just taken * a drink of coke and doggone it, the picture of you ‘feeling for’ Mr. Zotti, made me spew at my computer monitor!! Now, I gotta clean it off! yuckorama!

“Please Disregard the Following.”

Look Ed…you’re so charming that even Billie has a crush on you.



Uh oh, trisha, hope Bill E. doesn’t see your post!! hehehehe, he was just posting about this being his pet peeve, people calling him either ‘Billy’ or ‘Billie’. Head for the hills cutie!! :wink:

“Please Disregard the Following.”

FWIW, I don’t really care that much about the mis-pronounciation. It’s my own fault for picking the username. Now that I’m up to what a half-billion posts, I can’t bring myself to change it.

Aw, Bill. I knew what you wanted to be called. But since you devoted a thread to it, I had to tease you :slight_smile:



I think the word you want is coprophagia.

No charge.

Nice to see I’m not the only deeply dedicated and involved Dad out there who takes his kids to school, cuts off the GODDAMNED crusts, cooks em a freaking hot meal now and again, bakes Home Made Banana Bread for them ( !!! ) , and nurtures with grace and elan too.
<------- wiping shit off of nose. :)~


If you want to kiss the sky, you’d better learn how to kneel.

What is it with kids and toilet humor? Does every thread of Ed’s have to dissolve this way? Can’t you get your fun at the BBQ Pit and let the growedups have some forums with class?

Soccer Mom, Pizza, Bridge, and not in that order.
Detroiter. No handicap bowler. Former teamster. You got a problem with that?
Favorite site: http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/gregspizza/index.html

Thank you for the correction, kaylasdad99. However, we might both have been wrong! According to Merriam-Webster®’s Collegiate® Dictionary, the word is coprophagy.
Main Entry: co·proph·a·gous
Pronunciation: k&-'prä-f&-g&s (guide to pronunciation)
Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek koprophagos, from kopr- + -phagos -phagous
Date: 1826
: feeding on dung

  • co·proph·a·gy /-f&-jE/ noun

I’d guess that most coprophages must also be coprophiles. Or masochists, I suppose.

I was just going to kick-up a mild protest over having to re-register my new sock puppet, but now that I think about it, I suppose it can wait . . .

Dr. Watson
“You have the right to remain silent.”