If you were a superhero...

I think my powers would be really relevent stuff like always remembering where i put stuff, or if i turned the oven off. I would also be able to know who was phoning without having to wait for the answerphone or doing a re-dial.
I’m not sure about a name, it’ll come in a moment of inspiration, and im actually pretty sure i would just use my powers depending on my mood for good or evil.

I think superman is a rubbish superhero because his powers are so fantastical, being able to spin the world backwards, yeaaa sureee, spiderman is much better, but batman is the worst, seems to me he could only be called for when it was cloudly and nightime! And he lived with some creepy old butler and some young kid called Robin, WTF was the deal there.

I am a superhero.

Call me Captain (select) America!

I drink beer. I drive a big pickup truck that wastes gas. I have multiple firearms. I like the military. I’m a Commie-pinko’s worst nightmare.

Tripler (Captain (select) America)
Safeguarding truth, justice, and the American Babe.

I always wanted to be one of the kids in the Power Pack comic books. I had every one of the issues untill my divorce, when my ex put all my stuff into boxes and put them on the front porch where someone stoled everything I owned.:mad:

I, also, am a super hero. I am Mom.

I know when we need milk. I can run the lawnmower and the washer with equal proficiency. I can repair a torn seam, replace a lost button, get every last pot into the dishwasher, remember to feed the dog and the plants, keep track of when oil changes are due in all the vehicles, replace a bicycle tire tube, make a wholesome meal with a can of green beans, some horseradish, and that frozen mystery meat on the bottom shelf. I have the phone numbers for the doctor, the dentist, and the pharmacy memorized. I know everyone’s work schedule. I wield The Look[sup]TM[/sup]

I am all-seeing and all-powerful.

I am Mom.

<cue fanfare>

I am The Kilt-Wearin’ Man, and I strike fear into the hearts of evil-doers. It’s fun.

Especially on windy days.

I would opt for the power to never make a woman angry no matter what, or at least to always know why she was mad. Outside of my head though they sound more fantastical than Superman’s.

I have the ability to see the future(to an extent)… I can also fly, of course,(how can you be a superhero and not fly?(don’t mean to offend you other, round-ridden"heros"…but I’m better cuz I can fly!:stuck_out_tongue: nananabooboo))
ANYWAYS… I can go invisdable(only if noones looking) and I can
wear spandex without looking stupid. Not that I would. I think my superhero regalia would be someblack sneakers, a pair of tight black jeans, a black tanktop thats NON spandex, and a spiked collar…

I think my “special” abilities would prolly be the ability to complete ALL my math assignments ontime… and get AT LEAST half of the questions right.

The ability to be congenial towards poeple that are just… simple. Now for me, THAT would be the ULTIMATE superpower…

My goshness. I’ve rambled on for quite a bit there… I’m sorry…

I am Moral Hypocrisy man!’ (aka “The Rationalizer,” as I was known Pre-Crisis and in DoFP)

By day, an efficient-if somewhat ruthless-train conductor (In-joke alert), by night a loyal-if somewhat acerbic-ally to superheroes who’s moral codes interfere with their crimefighting activities. For example…

Captain Boy Scout: All right, Suicide Jack, now that I’ve captured you, I demand you tell me where you’ve hidden my kidnapped ostensibly-platonic-nerdy-but-very-hot-female-sidekick, Voynich Girl! No? Well then, I guess I’ll just have to return you to Dunwich Asylum…but until the police get here, I’ll leave Moral Hypocrisy Man to stand guard over you with his collection of dental tools, while I wait outside the room and pretend not to hear anything.

Yes, Moral Hypocrisy Man, will do anything for his friend and allies! Always ready with some much needed firepower, political connections, donor organs, etc. “Why” I do it, you’ll always know in the bottom of your heart. “How” I do it? Well, that’s nothing you need to worry about…

About five years ago i was bitten by a radioactive computer virus. After that i soon discovered that i possessed a range of superpowers - I could speak in strange and bizarre tongues (such as HTML and Javascript) and knew the secrets of Coldfusion (not that kind - the other one…). I could answer many stupid and inane questions with my mystical-voodoo trivia powers, and i could amaze and confound people with my knowledge of stupid and funny websites.

Most devestating of all, i found i could physically repel women with a single glance.

I am WebDevelopstra and you will all cower before me…

(Unfortunately i did NOT get a decent superhero physique as part of the deal - which i was pretty pissed about at the time, because it meant i had to join a gym like normal mortals. ah well. c’est la vie.)

I am the mysterious, all-knowing, Psychic Goldfish!!! (fanfare)

Able to tell all my sister’s likes and dislikes, who all her friends and enemies are (today) and why she can’t wear this skirt with that t-shirt, stupid!.

Or so she thinks.

That is to say, none.

:stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:


So, apparently Cougarfang has not yet experienced The Look[sup]TM[/sup]… brace yerself, kiddo!

Oh my God she’s going to use The Look!

hides behind sofa