If you're going to be a s*** about it, skip the meeting

I have to admit, the guy has flair!



The first is kind of disturrbing at the end, with a pol defending the practice saying he swan there as a kid but conceding it may not be in the best interests of the tourism board.

C’mon Canada, I know you’re technologically advanced enough to have waste-water treatment plants! :eek:

Prediction: this will be a shitty thread.

You’re right, this will end up crap.

Like most things shoved down your throat :smiley:

Nice. This happened in the riding I live in. Mind you, from what I could tell, all the crazies came out this weekend (and I was part of it), so I guess he was just getting an early start on things. BTW, if you follow the link at the end of the second article in the OP, you can see a picture of Mr. Floatie.

And duffer, don’t worry. As far as I know, most of the rest of Canada (major cities anyway) has waste water treatment. Victoria is just, um, special in that regard.