If you're over 60, post a lot, and have a sick sense of humor, log in here

Up to now, the only one (that I noticed) to identify as outside the USA is from Yucatan. The rest have yet to confirm or deny location. Well, I did say I’m in Tennessee, but that’s a USA segment.

I’m gonna need help on the Jack Jones and Khyber references. Rhyming slang? Allusions? Jack Jones was a competent USA singer a while back and Khyber rifles were in a Kipling story I read about in Classics Illustrated back before we had a TV.

The weather thing may be a toss-up these days.

As in Short Bus? Or clowns in a little car?

Firesign Theatre’s fourth album was I Think We’re All Bozos on This Bus. The group’s most famous for “The Further Adventures of Nick Danger” from their second album. America’s answer to Monty Python, LP division. Great humor reference but you’re probably too old since 90% of their fan base were college students under Nixon. My roommate and I used to listen for hours to parse every reference, illusion, pun, and homage.

I’m 63, same as a whole lot of famous people, but I feel 83. Does that count?

Bozos on This Bus – as in “I Think We’re All …”

Another Firesign Theatre fan. Great!
Maybe you can tell me why the porridge bird lays his eggs in the air.

::cough:: prostate ::coughcough::

Arrr matey, that’s a bit of Cockney rhyming slang.

Jack Jones = own (strange bit of ryhming slang as it doesn’t really, ummm, rhyme)

Khyber = Khyber Pass = arse

Don’t know why I did that really, as although I’m a Londoner, I’m actually more Bertie Wooster than Michael Caine.

This thread got me thinking. I was born 18 years after World War 2 ended.

18 years ago:

Independence Day, Trainspotting, Fargo, Jerry Maguire and Mission: Impossible were released.

George Michael, Oasis, The Spice Girls and The Prodigy had number 1 UK hit singles. Alanis Morisette wins a Grammy.

The Summer Olympics are held in Atlanta

O. J. Simpson’s civil trial begins.

A sobering exercise, but interesting.

Thanks for the explanation. I have heard of them but not the group itself.

Welcome aboard, both of you!

Cool stuff, RobDog. There’s a lot about English pop culture that I know next to nothing about. I do like both Wooster and Caine, though. I lean toward Michael, especially when he’s like he was in Harry Brown (2009), one of his best of recent times.

Thanks for the inside track on all the terminology. And the dates stuff is very interesting, too.

A fine actor to be sure. I love his early stuff too, such as the Harry Palmer movies The Ipcress File and Funeral in Berlin (got that in my Netflix queue), then there’s Get Carter and Sleuth, and of course the original (and best) Italian Job.

He’s got a lot of class for an East End lad.

Let us not forget Zulu!

I’m old. Very old. I geez. Well, I’m 63.

I graduated from high school in 1968, the year of the Soviet invasion of Prague, the assassinations of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, and the police riots at the Chicago Democratic Convention.

The thing with Caine is that he’s been quoted as saying (or else he said it to the TV world at an awards show), “I’ve made a lot of crap.” If so, I’ve had the luck not to see any of that. Some of his work is in unforunate movies, but his work has always been topnotch for me.

Please tell me I didn’t cause you to hurt yourself. “Cut loose and let fly” may have sounded like a spur to injure yourself, but it was figurative,

Glad you joined us. I graduated high school in 1959. Calm by comparison.

Great movie. In an interview, Caine said the hardest part about that early role was trying to figure out what to do with his hands in non-action scenes.

Sounds wonderful. Not at all dark, sick, or inappropriate.

I think with us it won’t be overthrow so much as effluent.

71 year-old here. Suggest we call ourselves “Fun with fossils”.

Like it. It might bear a tweak or two from some of the relics here, as in “Frolic with the Fossils” as a shout out to those Armenians who are in the news every hour.

At any rate, it’s a way to start the day.

How often do you get called “having writ”?

67, retired. Part party girl, part recluse. Spend too much on my dogs but they’re better company than most humans.

Commedia del Frolicing Fosil Farte con Asteism, Badinage, Innuendo, Paronomasia, Persiflage, Raillery, Repartee & Whimsy
Budget for t-shirts which may be both expensive and long, what with the vast ink supplies necessary for this all-inclusive title.

There’s another thread dealing with folks having months as first names. You might enjoy that one, too.

Doting auntie by day, assassin by night. Might make a momentary hit show on cable.

Now we’re getting somewhere. May be about time for the acronym cum anagram expert to polish the name for the gang. Odds are the T-shirt will only come in large and up.

I’ll be 60 this year, so count me in.