If you're over 60, post a lot, and have a sick sense of humor, log in here

I could see affluent instead of overflow, but how many of us are all that well off? Not me.

[A.W. Merrick]“The Ammmbulators”[/AWM]

I’ve been thinking about this since I first saw it and the only thing I can figure is that it must be a lot like Jackie Vernon’s book title “A Wet Bird Never Flies At Night.”

Sure thing! Welcome.

Immediately I flashed on Tim Conway!

Oh? I thought that was a prerequisite for this class :confused:

you need to listen to

I Think We’re All Bozos on This Bus

and then again 49 more times.

it is all part of a two sided LP story. their stuff is deeply layered and linked to their full body of work and drawn from bits of our culture even very obscure.

in many ways their stuff is in audio what The Simpsons are in animation. In The Simpsons something in season 18 episode 4 will refer to something in season 3 episode 6, if you get the connection the joke is ten times funnier. In The Simpsons you might see in panning a sign on the street that contains a joke, you don’t notice this until you’ve seen the episode 20 times and then you are presented with a new funny. Some line or scene or subplot is pulled out of some movie, tv show or book. All the funnier if you get the connection.

Rocky and Bullwinkle also were much the same way.

Their stuff (all three media groups mentioned) are just piles of Easter eggs. all the better if starting the search on your own. full of WTF type of humor that might take seconds to get.

Their stuff being audio comes out of the richness of old time radio, theater of the mind. Best listened to in the dark with eyes closed with the best channel separation and audio system you can get.

I Think We’re All Bozos on This Bus is a techno in the future story which still has relevance. It’s audio richness is most fully appreciated in its quad format.

Because of the times, the 60s (they also had lots of stuff in 70s, 80s, 90s), and appeal to cutting edge storied humor (even though of old time radio style) many people think them dated. They are crafted and timeless like Shakespeare. They also liked the guy, listen to Anythynge You Want To or also released as Shakespeare’s Lost Comedie.

Also for old farts liking rich audio then anything by ZBS Foundation is worth having. They also started at the same time period as The Firesign Theatre.

Firesign Theater. There’s one I can relate to.

^^ free podcasts to bring us all up to speed.

Great suggestions for some stuff that’s new to me. And I was raised on Old Time Radio until I was in my teens. I even had trouble moving from those “mind movies” I built while listening, to those “other people’s mind movies” I had to substitute for when TV became The Thing.

The one show I have been a big fan of that indulged in those “time bomb” jokes and allusions was The Sopranos.

Love the Firesign idea but must offer up an idea from Rudy Rucker. In his 1982 novel Software (free download), he refers to future retired Boomers (that’s us, right?) as Pheezers - for Freaky Geezers.

Freaky Geezers!! :smiley:

Pheezers on Stun!

band name

The future fair! A fair for all, and no fair to anybody!

Living in this complex world of the future is not unlike having bees live inside your head.

I’ll turn 60 in seven weeks. Count me in.

Lawdy yes to that! I only communicate with the Outside via internet anymore. That way I can choose what I want to let into my head. And shop when the rest of the world is at work or asleep. Weekends the Free Range Rude are out and about. :dubious:

The TeeVee is just too much distraction and commotion. Internet radio with no commercials is better. DVD movies free from the library are good.

eta: oh and Happy Birfday!

Since you’re a fan of OTR, you might wanna start Firesign Theatre with Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers, since a principal character of that, George Tirebiter, is an OTR actor (and depicted at various points in his life).

$10 says we’re still batting name possibilities around this time next year. Although I like Pheezers on Stun.

All hail the moose and squirrel. Watched them as a kid. Rewatched them when I had kids and was floored.

Not to change the subject too far (I do plan on catching up on FT before long) but do any of you share in this sort of experience:

Before I was junior high age, well before we even had a TV, I used to spend Sunday afternoons sitting in the car listening to the array of detective and crime fighter radio shows that ran from maybe 3:00 until 7:00 or so. The Shadow and True Detective Mysteries were two of my favorites from that era.

I still preferred radio to TV long after we had TV. I miss those old dramas so much.

My Dad loved OTR, and one of my best friends in college collected them on reel-to-reel tape, so I have enjoyed a great number of episodes of The Shadow, Chandu the Magician, the Whistler and I Love A Mystery, among others. My all time favorite is Vincent Price in Three Skeleton Key.

[quote=“Yllaria, post:96, topic:679450”]

$10 says we’re still batting name possibilities around this time next year. Although I like Pheezers on Stun.

I like Pheezers on Stun also. Besides, think of the t-shirt ink cost savings. * …grabs Yllaria’s $10 bill…*

Peorgie Tirebiter, he’s a spy and a girl-delighter…

I don’t know what we should name our group, but if we wanted a membership oath, I’d be partial to:

(Spoken really fast:**) Do you promise to covet property, propriety, plurality, surety, security, and not hurt the state, say ‘what’?