The one that didn’t kill off the whatever-it-was? Or was that the B, S & B?
heh heh… member… heh heh…
Yeah where* is* my 1920s style death ray?
I don’t have to get it registered do I?
Not if you are in Texas.
I must say that you have a great user name. I too have a great love of Iggy Pop (he looks like my dad) and vodka (but not Popov, sorry but yuck).
Oh what do you mean you don’t like popov? Thats stuff is top shelf in my life.
seriously being poor sucks
The one that looks like an 18" DHIBJD ?
Having a member is kinda what makes someone a boy, innit?
Eventually. But the guys at the shop told us that they’re going to start charging us extra if we keep sending it back with Jello stains. Anyway, The Big Goat has been rotated and balanced, and they replaced the off-side swaybars, so let the Initiations begin!
Popov, front and center! Bring your galoshes.
Yeah excactly.
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