I'm getting my ass kicked by an embryo! (warning: whiny)

My first baby hiccuped just about every day for the last 2-3 months of my pregnancy. Then she hiccuped just about every day for 2-3 months after she was born!

I had a lot of Non-Stress Tests, due to my advanced maternal age, and both babies were always asleep when they were supposed to be moving around for the test. I could not wake up Baby #1 no matter what I did…I would drink caffeine right before the test, listen to loud music in the car, poke my belly. The doc would always have to use his buzzer to wake her up. Baby #2 was totally different…all I had to do was feel around my belly until I found him, and gently press in. He would immediately wake up and start moving around.

The weird thing about this is that they were just like this after they were born…Baby #1 was much less sensitive to everything than Baby #2. Where the first one would sleep through anything, the second one wakes up at the drop of a hat! He also is more sensitive to things like a dirty diaper…he will cry as soon as he dirties it, whereas the first one didn’t even seem to notice. Maybe #2 will be easier to potty train!!!

My dear son loved in late pregnancy to shove against me diagonally, usually with his feet at the upper left and his back at the lower right for added traction. He’d shove so hard you could see the actual bulge of a foot sticking out of my poor abdomen. :eek: And it felt even worse – I often wondered if the kid was trying to kill me! (Then, of course, he was born and eventually turned into a teenager and I learned the correct answer to that question, which is: Yes.)

Your son too? My first did this to my wife. She’d exhale suddenly and have to sit down. Then she’d say “Wooooo-oooh!” while exhaling, and it would look like a GI Joe had just punched or kicked her belly in one spot 4 inches from the inside outwards… :eek:

The first time my husband talked to my belly when I was pregnant with our first, he got kicked in the jaw. That kid is now 2 1/2, and still a little bully.

My cousin’s wife had a baby last week, which is nothing remarkable - I have 42 first cousins, so there are always pregnancies and births, but this was tTheir 5th in about 6-7 years. AND they’d just moved cross-country two weeks ago. I can’t imagine moving when you’re 9 months pregnant and have 4 small kids.

My cousin is a plastic surgeon specializing in reconstructive surgery and his wife is an OB-GYN. I guess they’ve got the whole conception thing down pat. Apparently he’d like this to be the last child, but his wife loves the whole thing, so who knows?


As for sinuses, check with your OB about Rhinocort nasal spray - my doctor prescribed it for me when I was pregnant (I usually use Nasonex) and it was a Godsend! (IANA Doctor, etc. etc.)

But when you talk about sleepless nights! ::snerk:: First trimester ain’t got nuffin’ on the fourth trimester!!! :smiley:

Baby is now 3 months old and (up until 3 days ago, when she got gastro) was sleeping through from 9pm to 6am!!!

Boy, you got that right!

Lucky you! Baby #2 is also 3 months old, and still waking up TWICE every night, because he wants to eat every 3 hours. It was pretty bad when I was on maternity leave, but now that I’m back at work, it’s really kicking my butt.

SiL complained that “they talk about babies kicking… kicking? Kicking and elbowing and punching and headbutting and ohGodhe’s headbutting my fucking bladder again! I’m going to kill you if you’re not out of me soon!” Of course, the angrier she got, the more he moved.

And she’s had hemorroids since her teens; I understand they were pretty murderous for most of the pregnancy.

Baby B hiccuped 2-3 times a day in the womb from about 20 weeks on. Now, he hiccups at least once a day. I spent Monday night rocking him in the glider for fifteen minutes waiting for his hiccups to go away at bedtime - at one point, he just gave me this look that said “Mom, please make them stop.” Finally, I thought to call to my husband for a sippy cup with some water, and within 2 sips, the hiccups were gone. Mom got a big ol’ :smack: for that one.

I’m sorry you’re miserable, UC. Second tri is right around the corner.

(You’re making me want to be pregnant again, though, symptoms and all. Thought I was last week, when I had two tests come up positive - and I have an IUD :eek: - but AF arrived a few days later. I was scared shitless when I saw those tests, now I’m thinking it wouldn’t have been so bad.)

Just think: the end of all of this will come, and you’ll have a screaming, red-faced, wrinkled thing in your arms and it’ll be the most beautiful baby in the world. :smiley:

Hang in there! sends good vibes and baby shower items to all pregnant Dopers

Yes, the fourth trimester is the worst, that is true. Though this time I’m definitely trying cosleeping to make my life easier. Hopefully this one will figure out how to latch properly before it’s four months old (shakes fist at daughter), allowing me to nurse in bed.

My daughter was a kung-fu fighter as well. Once, when I was really big, I was walking out of a shop, and another woman was walking toward me. The kid kicked me so hard I grabbed my belly and went “Oh!” That woman looked absolutely terrified, like she was thinking she’d be helping me deliver the baby right there on the sidewalk!