I'm going back to college!

Oh my GOD!

Yesterday, I found out I’m going back to college!

For the two or three of you who have been following my saga, I moved from San Francisco to Toronto on the promise of a teaching job which never materialized, so for the last year have been a substitute teacher, and **totally **miserable… I had decided that maybe this was a good time to go back to college to change careers.

I actually applied to go into Human Resources in January, and got accepted for this fall, but the closer it got to the day when I HAD to accept the offer, the worse I felt. I kept getting together with close friends, and each time, was told that they couldn’t imagine me in Human Resources, and I didn’t seem too excited at the prospect. A few weeks ago, a friend sat me down and told me maybe I should do some soul searching to find out what I would really love to do…

I spent weeks wandering around being miserable, whining that I had moved to Canada and now had no job, and then suddenly it hit me - I realized what I would love to do - Television Broadcasting. Not the on-air stuff - I would love to be producing, directing television or making documentaries.

I had been thinking about things for weeks… and the more I thought about my life, the more I realized that I had always wanted to be a filmmaker… For instance - I have at least 24 books on how to make films/be a filmmaker/direct movies/etc…

So, three weeks ago I applied to a 2 year Television Broadcasting course, which is known for its state of the art facilities, connections with Broadcasters, and includes a 3 month internship. I was in heaven! I had it all planned out… Then I decided I’d give the Program Director a call.

He took the time to go over my background and my reasons for wanting to apply, and basically let me down gently… He told me that the course was full - there were 2,000 applications for 60 places in the course… and they had been filled in about January… But they would be accepting applications for next year in May if I was interested…

So, I applied for May 2008, and got a letter telling me to come in to take a school-wide basic literacy test… I also had to type up and hand in responses to a questionnaire on my experience with media and why I wanted to study broadcasting.

I took the test on Thursday and then I decided to go and talk with the Admissions officer at the college just to make sure the test results *would *be acceptable for next year, and to give her my questionnaire.

She was very nice, but told me that next May’s course would only be accepting 20 students, and there had already been 800 applications, but mine was one of them… I thanked her, and we chit-chatted for a couple of minutes about the course… and I handed her my questionnaire as I left.

I drove home TOTALLY depressed… I was trying to tell myself waiting for another year would be fine, and maybe I’d have a good chance then… but it was a hard sell…

Yesterday morning the phone rang - it was the Admissions Officer - she told me that she had been so impressed with me that she had had a long discussion with the Program Co-ordinator - turns out he remembered me from our phone conversation, and they were **both **impressed with me, and had decided to accept me into the program for THIS FALL!!!

Thank God the woman couldn’t see me! I had tears **pouring **down my face… I thanked her profusely, and she told me I’ll receive all the paperwork early in the week.

This is SO cool! :smiley:

Congratulations! That’s terrific.

Thanks dgrdfd! Here it is more than 36 hours after I found out and I’m still on a high! :smiley:

I hope this isn’t some kind of “Punked” TV show they’re filming. :stuck_out_tongue:

EEEK! What a horrible thought… Hey, this is Toronto, they’re just so *polite *here… I can’t imagine they’d lie… (I hope they don’t, anyway…)

I’m sorry, I always think of the worst possible interpretation for anything that happens, or doesn’t happen.

Oops, I just thought of a worse one. Um, never mind. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is that the one that involves the Admissions person’s evil twin, an escaped inmate from the county jail and two bars of chewing gum?.. Already thought that one through! (So don’t bother!) :stuck_out_tongue:

It involves POV camera work and numerous bottles of lotion. :smiley:

I’m not quite sure that’s the kind of Broadcasting I was planning on studying… :eek:

Congratulations! That does sound like a cool program.

I’m somewhat in the same boat… I’ve been accepted to my second choice program at university, and no news from my first choice program (no news is good news, right?) so I’m going back to school, and getting closer to what I want to do. The second choice will let me take the same/equivalent first year classes, so it’s definitely the right direction to go into! This is a 180 for me… or maybe more of a 540, since I definitely spun around in circles before realising what I wanted to do with my life (well, at least enough to move in this direction!) This will be my second Bachelor’s degree, BTW.

Anyways, it’s more about you than me right now, so congrats again!

You are now my hero.

I am a teacher who is thinking of eventually switching careers.

I too very much want to work in film.

I am going to print out this thread and put it on my wall.

I know the feeling of spinning… What’s your first choice of programs (and for that matter, what’s your second choice?) Sure hope you hear from them!

Hey, cool! Maybe we can do a film together some day when you graduate. :slight_smile:

It only took me about 15 years of teaching to get up the courage to decide to do what I really want to do… I even went through the motions of interviewing with the school district a couple of weeks ago… and know the interview went well… But even if they were to offer me a job, I’d turn it down…

Somehow I’d rather be paying tuition in something I love for a couple of years instead of earning money in “a job”.

Congrats, Daffyd! Them immigration folks made a good choice when they let you in!

Maybe I should do a documentary about Americans living in Canada… We’re sly - we fly under the radar - unless we go to an Ottawa/Buffalo hockey game… then we don’t know who to root for! :stuck_out_tongue:

First choice: Mechanical engineering (aeronautical)
Second choice: Physics (same/equivalent first year classes…most of them)

Because I already have a degree, they consider me a transfer student, so I could hear any time between now and July 27th. Kind of sucks. It’s a very big change (I’m currently a chemist) but it really feels much more right than what I’m doing now. I’m particularly interested in safety related systems.