I'm going to be in an art show!

Time and location TBA, but Tampa Bay area Dopers are hereby invited.

I just sort of need to do this. I’ve only ever been in one art show before, An Artistic Discovery which is for high school students in the area. I didn’t plan on it, I just drew something my art teacher liked and she asked if she could enter it, so I let her. I was rather embarrassed seeing my work surrounded by (IMO) much better work, so I’ve never attempted it since.

But lately I’ve been feeling very unfulfilled, and I’ve recently overcome my embarrassment at hanging up my art even in my own home, so I want to do this. Luckily I know 2 people who host art shows periodically, one is a cafe and the other is a skate shop, so it’s not like a hoity-toity gallery or anything but the artists are great.

Now I’m just waiting to hear back on when the next show is and if there is a theme I need to consider. I’m putting my creative skills into overdrive, I don’t want to be embarrassed again.

Woohoo! Enjoy your day in the sun! :slight_smile:

Post some pics! We love to see the creative side of the Dope!

May we assume this will be in St Pete somewhere? And I second the request to post a link to some of your art.

A tip from a “semi-pro” painter - when you reach the point that you are showing things to sell don’t feel so insecure that you sell your favorite work for a song just to validate your pro-ness.
You’ll quickly realize that you would gladly pay double to get that one back. Even Leonardo da Vinci refused to sell the Mona Lisa because it was his display piece to show princes as he went from town to town pushing to paint their families.

I’m looking at my fave right now, I know I’m going to put an exorbitant price on it to discourage purchasers, but I’ll gladly get rid of some of my least favorite ones.

And yes, this will be in St. Pete. A FOAF owns a skate shop and they periodically host art shows in their space, so that’s where it will be (The Finest near Asylum on Central for those who know the area).

Unfortunately I don’t have a camera or any pics of my art. :frowning: I’ll work on that.