I'm going to blow up the Moon. What are you doing this summer?

But how are you going to get the chimpanzee to wear the red tights?

Since they eliminated the 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea ride, Disneyworld is dead to me.

On a positive note, several of my fellow Etheric Scientists were able to obtain the mini Nautilus (Nautili? Nautiles?) used in the ride and modify them into fine, steam-powered, machines capable of descent to the bottom of the Mariannas trench, or of sailing the tides of the Luminiferous Ether in space. Currently, some are docked at Victoria Station. This masterpiece of art and engineering is currently in orbit around the moon. While most of my colleagues characterize the lunar natives as ‘embodiments of the uncertainty principle’ or ‘inhabitants of a seperate vibrational plane, and ruled by chaos’, I admit that these beings appear to be the fairies of legend. The moon is thus defended by some of the greatest Scientists alive, but also by fairies.

Regallag The Axe You won’t have a problem with fairies. But, I remind you that the Mad Monk is not dead. While his motives are unfathom defend Russia from any attempt to destroy or conquer it. He is aided in this by the Baba Yaga, the great crone of Russian folklore. She is the boogeyman that lives in closets, and under beds. You will neither destroy nor conquer Russia while the Baba Yaga lives. The last individual to wound her was Anung Un Rama. Even he was unable to do more than just hurt her.

I say, conquer Germany. The native supernatural forces may decide that it is too long since a king wearing battle-dented armor and dripping with blood ruled the land, and fight under your banner. Then again, Germany is known for producing brilliant Scientists.

Ok, if you don’t even know that, then it’s not the kind of thing to try.
Pssssttt!! Tequila and backrubs involving Condoleeza Rice…

You know, I think you just helped me solve my dilemma of what to do with the mutant chimp after I get it out of the White House.

Wife and kids want to go. Heck with Eisner out it isn’t even run by Evil anymore.

I assume foronly 20 minutes?


Huh. Who’da thought. You were thinking exactly what I was thinking.

I have plans that are, while less ambitious than Winston’s, still likely to make for an interesting summer. I plan to use some very quiet high explosives and advanced digitally controlled laser cutting tools to transform Stone Mountain into an explicit image of a man and woman making love (oh, just look it up on Google with Safe Search turned off) overnight. Should give all the commuters quite an eyeful, because this mountain can be seen for MILES and from several interstate highways. It’s solid granite and HUGE. Covering it up or altering it should prove quite a time-consuming problem.

Also, I’m thinking of teaching myself to use some video editing software.

The 19th, eh? That might be a little …difficult. I have to deal with propping up the wingnut underground, er, I mean, ‘encouraging democratic discourse’, and then I’ve a meeting with the Ecotopian Ambadssador–what do you mean, Ecotopia isn’t a country? It is now, ever since our acts of economic sabotage against the Bilderbergers and the U-- :: checks date :: Oh. Sorry. Ignore that last. Heh. Heh.

:: ahem ::

Where were we? Oh yes. The 19th is awkward. Well, how about the following weekend? Make sure you get the kittens out of the laser cannon and I think we could have a mutually-satisfying conference.

BTW, does your place have a direct line-of-sight to Shanghai? No reason, no reason.

Let us know first, mon beau.

Certainement. Probably August, after the revolution, er, I mean, after the deadlines at work.

What? Who the hell doesn’t want a ballistic missile? If you’ve got so many laying around that you’re firing them off just for target practice, give me a couple. I’ll lure the groundhog that’s living under my mother’s garden shed into one of them, then give that sucker a ride he’ll never forget.

As for the OP: hell, yeah, go ahead and blow up the moon. Then we’ll have a nice couple of rings around the planet, and Earth’ll look as cool as Saturn does. Maybe even cooler.

Might get a Dopefest up and running, but other than that? Work. See movies, have dinners with, chill with friends. More work. Write fiction, learn Hindi and Cantonese, walk the dog, visit Presqu’Ile. Did I mention work?

You know that doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.

Well, I *am *building a Gauss canon. That could be a good thing.

Winston, that is a terrible idea. I just know what is going to happen is that your missile will set off an explosion of the garbage dump hidden there, knock the moon out of orbit, and you know what happens then It is seven years late, but anyhow…

And I just got an urgent message from the werewolves union. My advice to you is to stock up on silver bullets.

I was up in Sutton last weekend attending a test firing of the Purvis Potato Cannon. And man, can that thing hurl spud! Ballistic missiles are only a logical next step.

Will the rings be at right angles? 'Cause that’d be way cool. Especially if you have to mount little nanotechnological rocket motors on the ring fragments to keep them in their unnatural courses.

Do you have to keep impressing me like that? Any more, and I’m going to have to invent a youthening ray. Not for you. For me. :slight_smile:

If you plan to blow up the moon, maybe you should hook up with these guys : The Citizen’s Alliance to Blow Up the Moon

Now I, on the other hand, have vision and ambition. I’m going to blow up Earth; it’s bigger, closer for convienience, and has lots of irritating people on it. I’ve been studying this website for ideas.

I’ve got no huge plans for the summer…do any of you super-villian types need a good henchman? I take orders well, and will stall the hero with my kung-fu as you make good your escape. All I ask in return is dibs on Alaska.

Give me a shot, you won’t be disappointed.

Please make sure he won’t be there on June 11th, ok? You have my permission to blow up the house, but only the house.

I’m going to spend the summer counting the hours until this contract is over. I have the stupid notion that “having a job” should include “living better than if you were unemployed”, but I’ve done unemployment and frankly, right now I’m giving dumping the contract some serious thought.


“J’Accuse” of precisely what, pray tell? :dubious: