I'm going to Davis

I got into UC Davis for grad school, and now I’m off to visit them on the 24th of February. It’s really hard to get to Sacramento from Boston, but oh well. I’m excited. Hell, anything beats New England in the winter. I got into UC Berkeley and U Wisconsin, Madison, too.

Just needed to say that. Continue on with you lives.

Congrats! Welcome to UCD (Under Construction Daily). You’ll see when you get here.

Also, you must allow me to buy you a beer (or drink of your choice) in the Greatest Bar in Davis.

Lucky Dog!
Why not go from Boston to San Francisco. SF to Davis is only 1 to 1 1/2 hours drive.

Feb. 24 may be cool and rainy. May be sunny. That’s California for ya!

Davis is way cool, and I’m thinking of moving there, eventually. Only 2 hours from skiing in the wintertime.

Please note that it is hot (but not very humid) in the summertime.

Which would that be? Really the only one I ever hit up was the G st Pub–and I only went a couple times because it took so damn long to get a beer that it just wasn’t worth it.

gfloyd–enjoy your stay there. Be sure to get a bike, you’ll need it. Also, give the egghead at the art building a hug for me :wink:

Little Prague, man. I stay away from G Street pub. Too much “in-crowd” BS there. Also too damn crowded.

Congrats, gfloyd! Class of '74 here, and my daughter is currently a freshman. I’ve been enjoying the chance to revist the place; I’m sure you’ll have a great time there!

::makes note to visit Little Prague::

What degree are you after?

I couldn’t take a flight into SF or Oakland or San Jose, all of which would have sucked less, because the university wanted me to fly into Sacramento. And as they are picking up the tab, they can do whatever they’d like.

I’d love for something to do, CynicalGabe , if I have the time, which I should as I have to come in a day before they want me and stay a day later because I’m flying cross country.

I’m going for a PhD in organic chemistry. I’m getting my BS in May from UMass Lowell.

Are you going to visit Berkeley, too?

What subject? My best friend is a doctoral student at Davis (in neuroscience).

Yeah, I’m visiting Berkeley in mid March, but Davis feels more real as I’ve made the reservations and such.

noooo :frowning: i’m gonna miss you :frowning:

sad roommate stalks away

Hard to get to?? Northwest has a flight BOS to SMF for $373, change at MSP. (I hit Travelocity for a Feb 23 departure and Feb 25 return.) 8 hours - not bad for cross-country. Fo $472, they include 2 nights hotel in Sacramento. $520 will get you the flight and 2 nights in a Davis hotel.

On re-read, it sounds like UCD is picking up the tab, so I’d guess they’ll put you up in a rez.

Just curious, why did you choose Davis over Berkeley?


Davis is a nice place, and Sacramento can be a lot of fun, but you have to work at it. Sacramentans have a natural inferiority complex, and badmouth their city every chance they get. But it’s a big, often beautiful (downtown Sac is one of my favorite places- oh the trees!) stunningly diverse place. If you read the weekly papers to keep track of whats going on and make it a point to actually go to the concerts and plays and special events, you can have as nice a life there as anywhere, and for a lot less money. The arts and events usually arn’t the same quality that you’d find in a bigger city, but Sacramentans have a certain gumption and triumph-over-extreme-unhipness that makes everything they manage to put on a lot of fun and very honest. A lot of people from Davis never venture in to the sprawling mass of Sacramento to get to know it, but Davis is pretty insular and to not try to get to know Sacto would be a mistake.

If you sit in your apartment off some freeway somewhere complaining that there is nothing to do, it’s going to seem like hell.

It will get very very very hot in the summers. Air conditioning in your home and your car is a must. And a car is a must- the area is a mass of freeways. You will want a bike in Davis, too.

Now I’m getting all nostalgic. Sometimes I have half a mind to move back.

The Cheese.

No, wait.

The Bikes!

Congrats! (On all of the admissions!)

Are you visiting them all before making a choice?

I’ve never been up to Davis but I’ve heard nice things.

Congrats again!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I was having trouble finding a flight out on Friday and back on Sunday where the return trip wasn’t hell. I got my ticket for well under 400, versus the next one that didn’t stink for 500ish.

I’m visiting both Davis and Berkeley. Davis seems like it might have more interesting research. Wisconsin was my safety school, mostly because it doesn’t have as much stuff in my field. Plus I just liked Davis better when I was out there this summer.

Ok, so you’ve been here in the summer. Good, you know what you’re in for.

Congratulations on your admissions!

Hooray, another Doper will be near me!