It needs to be done with some pizazz, you know, some impressive showboatery, but it can’t be tacky, and it needs to be something that won’t take too long lest people get bored waiting for the payoff. There are some great ideas in this list of top 10 ways to destroy the Earth but I can’t decide which one would, you know, have that real wow factor. Something to impress the ladies – at least, while ladies still exist. What say you?
Can you please define “Destroy the Earth”.
Scaled from low to high:
**Ruin habitability for humans: **
Accelerate the trends for Global Warming and resource depletion. Put into power crazed individuals that will cause wars over faith and accelerate the development of lagging countries faster than alternate resources can be found.
Ruin habitability for all current land mammals, birds and reptiles:
Devise method of Crashing Moon into planet, this might take us up to next stage.
Set off an all out nuclear war, irradiating the entire surface of the planet.
**Blow up the planet leaving debris: **
Invent a huge matter/anti-matter bomb and a giant interstellar generation ship. On the way past Mars, blow up the planet.
**Vaporize the planet: **
I recommend creating a large Black Hole or having the Sun go Nova.
As happened in a Champions campaign once, just put an extra-large sized hyperdrive motor on the far side of the moon. If you fire that sucker up, it’ll drive the moon into the earth. Probably won’t destroy the planet, but it’ll make a good show, and render it pretty darn uninhabitable.
I prefer the Death Star method. Nothing says “I can crush you like I crushed Alderaan” like, well, the device used to crush Alderaan. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, Exit Mundi has plenty of other world ending scenarios to choose from.
Illudiom Pew36 Explosive Space Modulator, it’s the only way to be sure. But only after you’ve eliminated all the rabbits!
The sun can’t go Nova. It’s not heavy enough. And it’s on course to go Red Giant next.
My favorite site on How to Destroy the Earth. I’d say the best and most plausible method that fit the OPs request would be this :
Straightforward, effective, not too tedious and nicely dramatic. Unlike the antimatter bomb scenario, you can see it coming, and get nice, dramatic video for CNN of the impactor getting bigger and bigger in the sky.
I’m ambitious, but lazy. I’m going to try the Total Existence Failure method.
- Do nothing. Wait for all existence to spontaneously disappear.
I can enjoy the fleshpots and sybaritic delights of Doomed Earth while waiting for the Great Blink-Out.
I’m doing it right now! I just had dinner (that’s the fleshpot–well, pot of Chef Boyardee ravioli, actually, which is only partly fleshy), and now I’m about to experience the sybaritic deli-
There’s the old a-bomb in the active volcano idea. Krakatoa on steroids.
You could always just schedule an intergalactic bypass to be built. You’ve got to build bypasses you know.
You’d be better off installing the motor on the side of the moon and just slowing it down and letting it drop out of orbit - pushing it towards the Earth is harder than you might imagine.
a couple drops of universal solvent
ALT+Shift+0111 is the Windows keystroke combination to destroy the Earth. It’s not flashy, but it’s convenient. And if there’s one thing that’s important when destroying the Earth, it’s convenience. Believe me. I know what I’m talking about.
One limitlessly self-replicating nano-robot.
My favorite one that gave me a chuckle was method #3
#3 Sucked into a microscopic black hole [for destroying the Earth]
You will need: a microscopic black hole.*
- Hm * Nothing.
see if you can rent a planet killer from the vorlons.
oughta do the trick, dontcha think?
You may be a Novacant, but I’m a Novacan!
Smash 2 or 3 more suns into ours, and MAKE it go nova.
Um… I suppose bringing a couple more suns into the systen would already have destroyed the earth, but if you want Flash, you gotta go nova.
Meh. What do you expect from Microsoft?
what is a gonig?